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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. a Sidekick also! I got it last week, I can't believe someone acutally implemented a thin client syncro strategy. I was working with Sun Microsystems to test a hard wire based device 5 years ago when I was still in undergrad. The guys at Danger, from a technology standpoint, have really done something awesome.
  2. I have the graphic tallent to do it, but I would need some kind of requirements document to work off of to know what images need to be reprocessed and where they go.
  3. Could you describe the "smart" comment in question? I am actually kinda rude to members who put pics in sigs as it is bad Ju-Ju, but I am curious asto what you see as 'over the line.'
  4. LOL... a pinned thread dedicated to defending and or crapping on M7, I love it!
  5. NO IMAGES IN SIGS! OK.... THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW! LOL, thanks man. I hope I didn't come accross as rude but I was viewing your post on a PDA... It took up the whole screen.
  6. So whats the verdict? should I adjust the size of the "L" or not?
  7. You have no idea of the sexy beast within!
  8. If you care what your friends think of you... don't see it with them.
  9. My GF has only seen both Zero episodes... I will never show her M7 though... I don't want her to think I am turning Fruity.
  10. This is old news...
  11. Is this feature added yet!? I am unable to fully express my love for myself without flash capability!
  12. But it still falls on the task of the mods to come in. If you guys police a longest thread, the person you might be complaining to would say, "what can you do? Your not a mod." In the end, the mods still have to come in and police the thread. You know what man?... if a nice guy like you thinks like this about the longest thread, there is no way it should come back. I thought ill of it just because skullone and I got in a fight over his behavior on it, as he was always at the throat of RC, but I was willing to give it the benifit of the doubt... now I am not. Agent ONE votes: NO!
  13. That IS a Jaws movie.
  14. Wow... Really cool! Thanks for the images!
  15. oooooooooooooooo... good idea!
  17. Good to see you man! What is your avatar?
  18. Yeah, but how big of a deal is it to swap out an image... I didn't come to "Invision Power Board World" I came to Macross World!!!!!!!
  19. Yeah man but you didn't just go missing from MW, you were missing from MSN and VEX... I figured you were on your way back to Alaska, but you didn't tell me when you were traveling... I guess we just care about you...
  20. . Of course, 200 of those are mine YOU WIN THE PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... see my sig.
  21. I thought of bringing this up a few months ago, but then thought unless there was a specific Mod who was "on" all day to watch it, it would be a pooch-screw. Therefore I went and emailed D Ace and he said maybe... but he wanted the other Mods input. Though I like activities that create a sense of community (MW kinda has a lack of that which is why I spend a considerable amount of time at the Valkyrie Exchange forums), I am not sure that the longest thread is the best way to go about it... it only takes one member to get a whole bunch of members pissed off.
  22. I demand a colony drop on Agent ONE.
  23. The Transformers made in the 80's were 80's cars. The ones out now are of vehicles out now. What a screw job... Following that line of logic why don't we make a VF-1 that looks like an F-18, instead of an F14... It isn't like they made new Transformers with new names... that would have been ok, they took the old ones and gave them new boddies. So stupid. The show has ZERO continuity anyway... What a let-down.
  24. ... only if I could weep whilst doing it.
  25. Gundam is lame ass... I don't understand the value of anything connected to it... Then again I do not like any amine other than Macross or Golgo 13.
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