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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I thought about the prospect of a virus causing a random mutation. And yes this is a real concept, however the old man in the village was saying that the Bird People cut the fins off of the fish to make Man... I don't think the virus theory will go anywhere as it would be hard to connect to what we already know about the Protoculture race.
  2. I think she freaked out because there were two snakes, no other reason.
  3. Thats beyond sad. IMO that show (all of them) is 1/10 as good as Macross.
  4. Hey Stick... Cool avatar!
  5. I don't think Mods can change handles... Kinda like the last board. Just try again without the "3"
  6. I can't DL it...
  7. totally agree There is no problem with the ver. 1 of Roy... No reason to do a second.
  8. I think a daylight savings setting may be off.
  9. Welcome to Macross World!!! An old topic unfortunately.
  10. Ah... I mistakenly voted "NO" when I meant "YES!"
  11. Cosplay isn't my bag. BTW I like the idea of keeping all Cosplay in 1 thread.
  12. Yes... Through the midst of the fruity-ness, that is the way I see it too.
  13. Thanks for the scans, next time you could probably just attach a few JPG files that are sized properly... Not many can view your scans due to their size.
  14. I got my copy for $CND 7.50. Like MilkManX said, the art is fudgy and its worse than Comico's RT art. The art for SDF Macross#1 was loaded with watercolored art and the characters sometimes look bad. I have one too! Mint cond. I bought it 3 days after it came out.
  15. No kidding, doesn't that make all the difference!!!
  16. Yeah, but they weren't to scale for being on the Promethius as they were. They were ugly and IMO a mistake... That was one thing that Matchbox did right, got rid of them.
  17. Why didn't you chase the guy!!? If for nothing else just to get his liscence plate. One time I chased down a guy who hit one of my buddies cars that was parked.
  18. Wow, great job!
  19. Wow, thats a great 19. Thanks man.
  20. Someone messed with him the first time for sure, that is why he switched from being Duke Togo to Godzilla. I think someone figured out his password, the second time he thought he was hacked was a changing of a poll's status from being a poll only to a poll that allowed for comments... I don't know about that incident, a great deal happened that afternoon and resulted in him leaving MW. Lets face it though, everything is hackable. I am sure that the team that wrote the software for Invision can hack any account in nothing flat... The hack for any board is out there, it is just a matter of getting someone to tell you.
  21. Meh, everyone has an equal... Go and play some tennis. Eventually you will come to one who you will spar with yet neither of you can humiliate the other.
  22. I am not too concearned about it... This isn't the department of defense. It wouldn't be worth the trouble, and besides, the last board was hackable without any .swf exploit. Just ask Duke Togo.
  23. Runaway and Patlabor, similar!?!?!? You sure about that?
  24. Your GF must be a good sport. Is she a fan of Macross or just a fan of you?
  25. So $250 divided by 4 = $62.50 . That's it . I'm kidding. So $250 on ONE purchase. OK guys and gals. It's either 1 item or 1 purchase. BTW, thanks ali sama for purchasing my sdf-1 . Anyone interested in a jetfire ? Ok... I guess then the most expensive is a 1/48, I have a bunch of them though... I buy stuff when it is at its lowest value and sell it when it is at its highest, therefore I wouldn't have any ourtageous pruchases.
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