Kill the “EDIT” button!
*Yes I know I brought this up before, but the in last few days a great example of a particular member starting trouble, then taking back what he has said took place.*
Through my interactions with the board in the past few days, like before I have become annoyed with the fact that people can take back what they say. It allows for members to completely offend someone, and then erase it as to eliminate reproductions for their actions.
I move that we eliminate this feature from Macross World forever. Members will be held accountable for what they say, and more importantly members will think twice before saying something stupid.
Some of you may have noticed that I never use the feature, as I don’t want anyone to think I go back on what I say, even if the subject matter is trivial.
Editing is for the spineless… the gutless… the weak… and the lame.
Lets kill it.