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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. What really sucks, is he was really back on top again... He had a new show that was good (from what I hear). That guy was just comming back and I figured he was going to be bigger than ever... Well, I hope he had a good life.
  2. ... I felt the same way, but if you see American Psycho, you will realize that Christian is one of the greatest actors of our time.
  3. Some do... just not at the hospital. Is this where you tell us you banged a chick that looked like that except without the pointy ears? Vostok 7 no. It is more of a reference to the fact that if one wants a girl to dress like that, one needs to take her out of a professional environment... Watch your toung man... I have a GF now and she looks at the boards . Gotta slow up on the references to my consumption of females.
  4. No way man, you aren't a Sap... FB makes me cry every time I watch it. I Minmay. Her story is so tragic, and it is so well finished in FB.
  5. You toned down the "chompy" mouth! Good job, that thing was super lame.
  6. I agree with all this except for Flashback... It gave us tons of emotion, and another beautiful song by Minmay. Only 3 min. of new Macross, but that three min. is burned into my mind forever.
  7. Some do... just not at the hospital.
  8. Agent ONE

    God Help Me

    So what kind of help do you want? The 1/48 is well worth it.
  9. Care to post some of your stuff? If I actually have any of it, I will... That was a LONG time ago though. It may be stuck in an old Macross book that I haven't looked in for years, of not it is probably long gone.
  10. exhibit 2 of potential said mistake, the solution: oops! silly me! I meant: When someone throws something at me I duck.
  11. exhibit 1 of potential said mistake: When someone throws something at me I fu(k.
  12. Well It is nice to see that there are more members who are seeing the light this time. However a statement was my only intention, and that statement has been made. If nothing else, you guys are thinking about it. Untill next time, adieu.
  13. Is that like some futureistic Nazi thing?
  14. LOL in 88 I was drawing pics of Macross stuff too! Mine aren't that good though... not where my tallent lies. That is a really great drawing though.
  15. Yeah, she is hot, but do you think the movie will be good?
  16. Can the shortcut even be changed, or is that hard coded in the board?
  17. Has anyone seen the trailer for Underworld?
  18. http://www.smartmoney.com/bn/ON/index.cfm?...910-000679-0539 Allong the lines of what I was saying before.
  19. Hmmm. I remember that thing. Back then they didn't have the technology to do much with Vinyl.
  20. I give it a 10% chance of success. The trailer didn't show much, and it is going to have to be really awesome to have anyone show up with all the other great super hero movies out there in the last 10 years. That movie will be fighting an uphill battle.
  21. Yeah they told the same thing to Jesus.
  22. Me too. However more tired of pussies who are not being held accountable for their crimes.
  23. Just onething, i fully understand your point (acting like a jerk and erasing proof of that before) but as i am not speaking&typing Eng. like a native it is a relief to be able to correct a post. Editing a post avoid to post a new one to only correct/complete and think about the list like sharpshooters and Black list. How do you make them without edit button? The edit button is like the jedi force, powerful&useful for the most of us but it show its dark side when used by bad people. Yeah, but we aren't grading you on your english. The only one around here I don't understand at times is Mod Roy on PM... he holds his keyboard upsidedown.
  24. JsARCLIGHT, I don't think this will fall on deaf ears this time. One Shumck around here has galvinized my cause with his stupidity and others have noticed... Before it was only Mod Max and I who wanted to nuke the "Edit" button. Now the situation is different.
  25. There are actually 8 Protodevilin, though Goram and Zomd are like the two who act as one, they are seperate. The Supervision Army was originally controlled by the Protoculture. The Protodevilin and Geperunichi took a large chunk of the Supervision Army to use to their own ends. Obviously when they were sealed on Varauta 3198xe, the Protoculture under their control were released. I think you are mistaking the Supervision Army of old with the new one in Macross 7. In Macross 7, the first soldiers mind-controlled to operate Geperunichi's new Supervision Army were of the Megaroad 13 Colonization Fleet. For more info, consult my Protodevilin website by clicking here. If you can't find the answer there or don't understand something, feel free to PM me or something. It's a little old, so forgive some spelling and grammar errors. Other than that, it has almost all the information you can find and my own observations and studies of the Protodevilin throughout the Macross 7 series. I don't believe this is correct. I have always thought that: 1st. The Protoculture created the Meltohlauedy and Zjentohlauedy Then The Protoculture created the Protodevlin, who used mind controll and brain (spiritia) draining (for lack of a better description) to control many of the Protoculture people. They also took control of many parts of the Meltohlauedy and Zjentohlauedy armies to create the Supervisional army. This is the army that the Meltohlauedy and Zjentohlauedy fought with for thousands of years, a war which eventually eliminated the existence of the Protoculture in total.
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