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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. It can be done if one wants to drill holes and run coper wire through the entire thing. Heh, heh, I'll let you drill holes through your FAST packs, I'm not going anywhere near any of my Yamatos with a drill. Graham I'm going to see if I can do it with some kind of clear frame that will attach to the arm, but hold the underside of the VF-1. I will keep everyone updated.
  2. Looks a tad more futuristic than the GPB... But still awesome.
  3. It can be done if one wants to drill holes and run coper wire through the entire thing.
  4. Forgive my n00bishness when it comes to new TF crap, but since when did Go-Bots have anything to do with Transformers!?
  5. This is Lucas we're talking about. Do you really think he cares? Vostok 7 Not if there is money in it.
  6. Dude . . . don't you come over here dissin' Droids or anything. LOL, I meant it from a broad entertainment industry perspective, not a SW perspective.
  7. You forgot Hikaru's Magic Bicycle!!
  8. LOL, is my new handle ever going to stick!? Or will forever be known as "The Major?"
  9. Do not taunt super happy fun ball!
  10. You hang out with guys too much.
  11. Some members make them... Some members just find em places, why what did you have in mind?
  12. Really? I have only seen 1 serious troll post. If you are refering to the other friendly neighbor hood trolls.... they have been either quiet or have been civil to say the least. They are probably just praying for a second chance, like sk1 had.
  13. Deep Thoughts, By Agent ONE. If something is great as animation, some idiot will say: "Hey! We should do a live action version!" If something is great as live action, some idiot will say: "Hey! We should do a animated version!"
  14. lame.
  15. Hee... but saying "let's wait 'til he dies" is respectful? I think so... Maybe said better, while he is alive there shouldn't be another Superman movie made. It IS only 20 years old anyway. No one is talking about remaking Rambo, or some other high budget 80's movie.
  16. I am actually shocked we already have 1000... The old boards had a great deal of signups with no posts.
  17. Yep. Or at least come up with something new. I am really exhausted from the rehash of old comics.
  18. It looks good for those of us with a death wish.
  19. Not necessarily... Keep in mind they had none of the background story of M7 to give them information on the Supervisional Army. Therefore, they could have assumed that the Supervisional Army assimilated the Alus into its ranks, then by chance it ended up on Earth. Even in SDFM the origin of the Macross was a partial mystery, there is no reason it couldn't have some mystical power.
  20. Look they are hugging! They must be friends. Thanks for the link Yoshi!
  21. I actually prefered his death in DYRL because, he wasn't beaten... he died protecting Hikaru. To me that made more sense than just getting skewered when he was outnumbered. It seemed slightly out of character.
  22. Yeah... She is really porkable.
  23. The best matches can be younger guys with older women... more equal sex drives.
  24. HELL YEAH! If nothing else it has good music. I already know that.
  25. I dunno... I'm still not sold of the fact that we need another Superman movie. The Christopher Reve version isn't that old. Besides I think it is kind of disrespectfull to him, at least wait till he dies. As long as he is alive he shouldn't be known as the "guy who WAS Superman," he should just be called "Superman."
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