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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Zjentohlauedy Logo: Meltohlauedy Logo: http://www.macrossmilcomnet.net/images/gal...0res/wall25.jpg
  2. LOL! that is so cool.
  3. First of all, the concept of what "they used" in DYRL is just retarted because, as I am mentioning again: in 1984, when it was first made. DYRL WASN"T a movie within the Macross fictional universe. That was just made up 10 years later. ... and as it looks like I was asleep when the thread you are referencing was going down, because who ever told you that WAS an nerd, and even worse, a nerd that was WRONG.
  4. hmmm. All other SW movies had a ton of dullness in their scripts (WTF happened in Empire Strikes Back) Retrun of the Jedi had fan service... (the princess in the brass bra and panties) They all used and overused special effects... However the lameness of JarJar can't be correlated to any other SW film... Perhaps the shittyness of M7 though.
  5. Yeah, but Graham's contact is the CEO... The CEO usually knows all, or at least can find out.
  6. Did anyone else come back since this thread went dormant!? I know Kevin Lam is around now, as well as like 400 other members (but I am not sure exactly who they are).
  7. Woah! Did 2 threads just merge!? This board is the coolest!
  8. Nuke a gay whale for Jesus!
  9. That shirt is awesome.
  10. Well, when it was first made in 1984 DYRL WASN"T a movie within the Macross fictional universe. That fact was added in 10 years later to be a focus point for some episodes of Macross 7. Therefore the Zjentohlauedy's opinion of the movie would be irrelivant. However in the present scenario, I don't think the Zjentohlauedy would have been offended... in DYRL they seemed like warriors to be feared. They like that.
  11. Hasbro bought up Tonka back in the 1990s and today, Tonka is one of Hasbro's subdivisions. Look behind the box of any Tonka toy and it would say "© Tonka, a division of Hasbro, Inc." Because of this, Hasbro now owns the Gobots name, the franchise and most of the trademarked names (such as Leader-1's name ended up as the name of Megatron's Minicon partner). However, Hasbro cannot reissue the 1980s Tonka Gobot toys because they are owned by Bandai, Takara's toy rival. With Hasbro owning the Gobots, they get to gloat about it. An Autobot in the Generation 2 line has the name "Gobots": http://www.tfu.info/1993/Autobot/Gobots/gobots.htm The name "Gobots" in Generation 2 were also a subline of minicars, which later became the Spychangers in RID: http://www.geocities.com/futuristgroup/vsp...pychangers.html http://www.tfu.info/1995/Autobot/Blowout/blowout.htm http://www.digiserve.com/eescape/tf/toylis....html#A-Go-Bots Lastly, Hasbro created the preschool "Transformers: Gobots" toyline, replacing the preschool 1-2-3-Transfomers and Playskool Transformers lines: http://www.digiserve.com/eescape/tf/toylis...03.html#Go-Bots http://www.tfu.info/2003/Gobots/Aerobot/aerobot.htm The fact that Hasbro owns Tonka (and the Gobots) are common knowledge in Transformers fandom/message boards. Wow, how do they expect fans to follow such a convoluted and butchered story? Thanks for the info. I think TF lost me with "Starscream's Ghost" after that it I couldn't make sense of anything!
  12. Is this going to be the official thread!? Cause I like the thread name!
  13. Some images here also: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...s/vf0/vf0d.html
  14. Hmm. Last time I watched TF Megrtron was a hand gun... I don't know WTF that is. And yes you are all right, that is Galvatron's head.
  15. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/index.html
  16. OH YEAH!!!!!!!! The "Deleted scene!" Awesome! Thanks for pointing that out SuperO.
  17. Yeah... She is really porkable. I thought you had to tone down the jokes because you know have a gf. B) oops... Actually the GF would agree. LOL
  18. Wow, that is really great! I don't remember Millia ever smiling when she would have been wearing a Meltohlauedy uniform.
  19. Thats not "engrish" thats just Texas.
  20. Dunno, we discuss Macross stuff here. You should ask in the "Other Anime and Sci-Fi" section.
  21. Search the old boards: http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ikonboard.cgi
  22. The Compendium says there will be 5 episodes.
  23. Thanks Toonz!
  24. O/T won't happen over here... There is just too many people. We tried it with the longest thread.
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