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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Awesome. MW wasn't the same without you.
  2. Well in the DYRL timeline/universe* the Zjentohlauedy and the Meltohlauedy had been fighting for 10,000 or so years so I would say iw would be an eternal draw. * The term, "the DYRL timeline/universe" refers to the fact that when in 1984 when DYRL was made, DYRL was a retelling of Space War I. Therefore it has its own timeline and universe. Yes, I know later (10 years our time 1984-1994) the content of DYRL was added into Macross 7 through the means of calling it a "fictional movie within the Macross universe."
  3. You have no basis to argue yours either. "I firmly believe," as you say, doesn't mean sh!t to me.
  4. LOL... I wonder if that image will ever make it back to the man himself.
  5. Agent ONE


    FAST packs on Earth? Too heavy... Roy will tip over.
  6. Can you make me one with Millia in it too please? Thankyou. Damn! Hey man if you want it I will tomorow! I am just suggesting that it won't look good!
  7. This film will be a:
  8. LOL, yeah that is what everyone does, but no one admits it!
  9. It is the knee pads... makes it look like a football player instead of a VF. It just looks too advanced for being a predcursor to the GPB.
  10. WM, Awesome!
  11. - Mad Max - Macross DYRL - Apocalypse Now - On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Bridge on the River Kwai - Golgo 13 The Professional
  12. I don't think her performance was anything special, but I hate children and I hate child actors/actesses, therefore as kids go she was much better than for example that lillte retard from The 6th Sense. <_<
  13. She was ok... Not great.
  14. LOL, I totally forgot about that.
  15. DYRL Hayo, 1A... More of the same!
  16. Toxic Avenger is tha bomb!!! Makes me wonder why there are no video games based on him (Not that he's a tough license to get. I bet Lloyd Kaufman is WAITIN for a Game company to pitch him the idea!)? PS: Has anybody seen the JP extended version of TA2? LOL... Toxie it the man! Little known fact: Tromaville is a real place.
  17. Thats going to look like crap. Millia and Quamzin are going to be so small you won't be able to tell what the image is.
  18. Who am I!? A fan who was paying attention. After 2012 came out Kawamori said 'Macross... Never again, its over.' There was no reason, or logic behind any potential idea of a "movie within a fictional universe." He only came back around after Studio Nue pooch-screwed Macross 2. I don't have a problem with the fact that DYRL is now a fictional movie that is shown in the Macross universe, what I have a problem with is the thought that people assume that it was intended to be a "movie within a fictional universe" from the begining. BTW: show me the exact date that Studio Nue officially acknowledged DYRL as a movie within the fictional continuity. I don't believe it was in 87.
  19. Well if it was just dumb, why didn't you just ignore it... Now you have made it the talk of the town. B)
  20. Avatar for whoever uses it first.
  21. Just Quamzin:
  22. I should cut out Quamzin and make him into an avatar for someone. That really is a great image.
  23. Actually, yesterday I wasn't really into them, but they are really growing on me. Keep em comming. B)
  24. I'm not going to comment on this other than to say that, surely, contemporary politics are off-topic on MW. True but there is a correlation.
  25. Ouch... Before you Frenchies out there start lighting torches to set our FanBoy friend on fire, keep in mind he is kinda new and didn't see what happened to the last guy who got political.
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