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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Abombz: I, EXO, ewilen and Lone Wolf have been trying to get some proof and translations together... it's just taking some time. Thanks to all who have posted proof in this thread, it has been a great help to show people what has been said "in the record" on this issue. I know... and I appreciate the effort. At least someone here is trying hard to prove something. But one cannot deny that before thelonewolf supplied the material, this was one heck of a pissing contest. It is only a pissing contest for those who are pissing. I don't think in the begining of the thread there was any serious conversation, there was no proof necessary. There is no evidence from 1984, therefore Keith is wrong. There was really no more to discuss. I appreciate the fact that others are burrying Keith in facts, but it still doesn't refrence 1984. The only year that is relivant in this conversation.
  2. They actually made this into a TV show! They changed the story a little to make it less interesting and more annoying though, instead of having two gay guys, they had one guy that was the gay-est sissy man to ever live, sort of a cross between Elton John and Barney. The show was called Macross 7.
  3. LOL.. No they can't breathe in space. Yes they use money on the Macross.
  4. It is a great argument, just one dumb participant who is arguing with, well.. Everyone.
  5. Keith isn't doing so hot this evening. That ending you speak of does exist on the Animego set. It is at the end of episode 36, I am 90% sure of this. And yet you're 100% wrong! The end of episode 36 is the standard ending animation with the Minmay version of Runner. Ahhhhhhhh. Your right, however I know THAT ending is on the Animego set... Somewhere. It may be hidden. I am going to check it out.
  6. Keith isn't doing so hot this evening. That ending you speak of does exist on the Animego set. It is at the end of episode 36, I am 90% sure of this.
  7. If that were true, we'd still be having to deal with Macross II, as well as the many inbetween 87-94 period PC Engine & assorted games. Kawamori has stuck pretty tightly with continuity, and unlike Lucas, has made succeful efforts to flesh it out greatly. As for the other issues addressed, it still boils down to the fact that it's not necessary for there to have been anything "spelled out" to anyone pre-94. In the end, Nue states it's a movie within the continuity, has never stated anything otherwise, and affirms that stance to this day. And given that they do so, there's no reason for anyone to believe otherwise. The fact that FB 2012 only stands to support their placement of DYRL within the continuity as a movie just makes it all the better. All it boils down to is that some choose to dislike its placement there. And to those people, all that can be said is "tough." BOMBA! Wow Keith, That is a whole-lot-a-nuthin. You keep saying "94'" but that isn't relevant to the discussion. Your arguments are ungrounded and you try say something is something just because they didn't say it was anything else before. Nobody didn't say that the Basara character isn't modeled after Boy George, so that make it fact that he is? You have been beaten.
  8. [old brit] Good show man!.. Jolly good show! [/old brit]
  9. Agent ONE

    1/48 VF1J

    Actually, THAT comment was made when we first saw the pilot figure in the low-vis.
  10. Agent ONE

    1/48 VF1J

    Yeah, I don't spend much time in the Toys forum.
  11. Agent ONE

    1/48 VF1J

    A funny thought... (I am sure this has been brought up before) Big West has never approved of a non-canon VF for production, with the exception of the Hikaru VF-1J with FAST pack attached... That never existed in the TV continuity.
  12. The warning buzzers are going off because you are thinking of every other "vs." movie.
  13. Yeah, this is now the 3rd thread about it. I would say it is in the process of being fixed, but it is probably in the process of being told to Shawn.
  14. Oops, guess I should wait and check ALL posts next time... Sorry, guys... get that image out of your sig. I like it BTW.
  15. No, I think what is meant is, when you reach some goal, you get to have a member title.
  16. Yeah, they somehow uploaded an image with the same name of the previous background. How they got the permission to do that I don't know.
  17. LOL, that is funny. My only question is why? <_< Lets see how long it gets left there.
  18. The best part of that movie is the soundtrack! and no... That isn't worth $45 to me.
  19. I think you can tell a great deal from a costume shot. The look of the characters sets the tone of a film. For example, I knew the first Xmen movie wasn't going to be totally stupid when I saw some character shots... If I had seen the characters in their comic-like multicolored spandex I wouldn't have bothered to see the movie... It would have set a tone of lame-ness. Besides didn't you tell me NOT to see American Splendor... You judged that movie on the sissy name it had, and you had little info beyond that. (Max was right by the way, that movie was fukin lame.)
  20. I had the orig. Voltron... The entire thing with all the cats that came togeather to make one big robot. Some little kid that my Mom's friend brought over ran into my room, grabbed it, and threw it out the window.
  21. The picture looks bad, but the movie will probably be as good as either of the last 2 Batman movies. Kind of cheesy, but still ok. I will go and see it. Probably laugh at it after.
  22. ...and is that going to make it any better? how do I know? I haven't see the movie. LOL, yeah I know... My point was, if it is determined they are going to leave it out of the continunity we already know the plot is going to be a whole lot of nothing.
  23. The scene in "Goodbye Girl" when Hikaru rescues Max and Misa as max is guarding Misa's shuttle. After Hikaru destroys everything he allone is left to guard the shuttle, he has a conversation with Misa, then blips his landing lights to end the conversation and say something extra special...
  24. ...and is that going to make it any better?
  25. Woah, I would list most of those as my LEAST favorites!
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