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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. There is only discussion about the 60s and the 48s because they are comming out now. If any 55 were rolling off of the assembly line it would be a topic of discussion. Keep in mind though 55s are kind of grim looking next to the 48s. Were talking a rerun of a 20 year old toy.
  2. "I'll take Anal Bum Cover for 800, Alex" "That's 'An Album Cover, and you, are an idiot" "I've been working on developing an Anal Bum Cover for years."
  3. I think it should be after you have been a member for a given amount of time and ALSO have a given number of posts or something.
  4. Whats your favorite from SDF-Macross though?
  5. Actually, there already is a forum just for Vendors... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=SF&f=14 Yes. But at any other place that is a venue of sale on the internet vendors are charged... Why not here as well?
  6. I think you might need to loose that "big head" thing all togeather. Makes it look like his eye is in the middle of his chest.
  7. "It was the warriors... I saw them! " Oh yeah, this theory =
  8. I don't think Shawn would have a problem with as VEX is already advertising on the home page of the site... I guess it would be more upto the vendors as in if they could pay. I don't want to see Kevin selling pencils on the dock to pay for his MW advertising. I like the idea. You have good Ju-Ju today!
  9. I have noticed that by staying out of the Toys forum, I feel like MW is a much happier place. Lots of cry babies here.
  10. I think they were laying an egg.
  11. 1.) Your agreements are not logical so you deserve it. 2.) You've been throwing your opinions of our favorite entertainment in our faces and being rude about it for years. 3.) No one has ever accused me of being nice. I am not running a popularity contest. I love myself enough for all of us. I don't need anymore love. 4.) It is all in good fun, and I am sorry if I offend you. That is why I PMd you... I wanted to make sure WHEN I go too far I will appologise.
  12. Which is it? I like how you pretend to be reasonable with the first quote, then backtrack and reassert your belief that it's in fact been a docu-drama since '84. Hey, I just saw Keith on the news.
  13. Max knows that YOU like your men big and buff... just like Gah-bunah Ah-nuld!!! Ah, a tribute to the Austrian Oak! THAT is why Max has been hittin the gym! Agent ONE approves.
  14. Well here is what babblefish has to say: Looks like engrish.com won't be going out of business any time soon.
  15. You're preaching to the choir on that one, Duke. There's just one or two people here who still can't see past that. Only one.
  16. Has Max been going to the gym? He looks a little husky doesn't he?
  17. THIS is a great point and one that JsARCLIGHT and I were talking on the phone about a few nights ago. The rest of your fact presentation is really great. I like how you find facts instead of drawing conclusions from irrelivant facts.
  18. Rhetoric lesson for Keith: "negative proposition" itself is a solecism. just how does one propose a negative? how does one put forward an absence? oh sure, you can express a sentence like "it is not raining outside" but that in no way communicates logically or empirically what is, in fact, happening outside. it might be typhooning instead! A proposition proposes, puts forward, offers, describes some specifiable state of affairs. to say "Zorg is not a woman" tells me nothing about who (or what) "Zorg" might be. "Zorg is a dog" is not logically equivalent to "Zorg is not a woman."
  19. You don't need a fact to prove a negative.
  20. So... what you are saying is that you are full of crap, and that we should take your word for it simply because you claim to have deciphered the supreme truth about DYRL in the Macross continuity, while, us, peons, are still oblivious to it? This is an excuse for someone who can't find hard facts to prove his point. Jesus Keith. I hope you never work in sales. Abombz is right. Before you seemed persistent (which is admirable), now you just look like a fool.
  21. Yeah... It may stand allone now, but who knows ten years after that.
  22. alive but majorly hijacked, unless all this is connected why zentrans should boycott DYRL. I don't really think this thread would be considered hijacked. The original question was answered; this was a new question that was brought forth through discussion of said primary question.
  23. In the feedback forum Roy said he was going to keep an eye on it, probably because he was thinking Keith might have been able to find something compelling. I guess his faith was misplaced.
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