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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. YES! You understand. Though I only play Quake3 online and in LAN games, I hate not being able to look my prey in the eye... or yell a them down the hall.
  2. Yeah, except... Thats a good looking model with awesome detail. The 55 looks silly next to that thing. No matter what you do to the 55, it still looks like a toy.
  3. Yep... Looks like a sissy to me. He is a wimpy little girly-man.
  4. NEW Macross 7 toys released....
  5. No thanks. I still have the bruises from the last time I tried that. At least all you got WAS bruises!!! I got thrown in Jail!!!
  6. Ok kids, notice that our hero is at WORK today.
  7. Why does a robot have a knife?
  8. Christopher and my dear friends who have complex solutions to this problem, I admire the thought you are all putting into the memer title issue, however keep in mind Shawn has to implement these ideas if he likes one and he is limited by the Invision capabilities.
  9. Does THIS actually happen with the toy, or is it some photoshop effect?
  10. I dunno man. Those Taka/Bandai 55s look kinda grim when one is trying to put them in a realistic looking situation. They look like toys in space. Even the Bandai Box art looks silly.
  11. Do you own any of those Comico issues? I don't think you remember how bad they were.
  12. For some reason I find this one creepy... Probably has something to do with the fact that when I was in the movie theatre to see the Movie, half of the kids that were in the theatre ran out screaming when Prime died.
  13. Is THAT how I come off!? I like a ton of people around here... Especially myself (I ME!). Though there are a few around here that should be put to sleep.
  14. Thats terrible! Well I think you're great!
  15. Am I supposed to keep up with your posts now? You've usually posted 4 replies in the time it takes me to hit the "reply" button. Guess she is just quicker than you man.
  16. Apparently she's the personal bodyguard for Lucy's character. Imagine that? A Japanese schoolgirl as your bodyguard? This is what I like to do with Japanese School girls:
  17. This movie will ROCK! And this is why: http://www.kill-bill.com/castCrew/cast-sc.html
  18. Hm. This is getting complicated. How about to get a title (custom or not) you have to pass a Macross Trivia test. Example of question: Q #1) What beer appears in DYRL?
  19. LOL, I think that is totally where they got the idea.
  20. Not yet but I will let you know.
  21. Actually, I think the ARMD one has some serious differences/upgrades, larger control tower, and more complex inside.
  22. I think he means the Promethius, not the two ARMD space carriers. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...prometheus.html This guy has a site that shows what you are looking for, unfortunately he doesn't know how to have a site hosted so it takes forever and a day to load. Be patient.
  23. Only if they are loud. I don't think that anyone uses a Valkyrie to sneak up on the bad guys so it probably isn't an issue.
  24. Graham DOES do reviews on those toys, and besides they are usually pre release so they are full of imperfections, I don't think they are worth much. Besides Shawn did make money in the past selling tons of Macross books. He hasn't done that in a while though.
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