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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. No... I was thinking of naming her "Snog," (just so guys never talk to her because she will no doubt inherit her Father's good looks).
  2. No sh!t Sherlock! I think we BOTH knew that we were talking about another country! The amazing thing is that Georgia is almost a place that is classified as eur-asian. People from there look differnent from the typical Russian.
  3. Well there are already so many members who think I am the anti-christ (after the threats I received via PM for starting THIS thread), I hated to dissapoint them.
  4. I actually question the intended gender AND sexual orientation of ALL Macross 7 characters!
  5. funny. an interesting, and OT, fact: did you know Josef Stalin was from Georgia?? I think it is beyond funny... Can you think of any other Hollywood star that had a mountain named after them? Oh yeah, Stalin... Strange I never would have thought that he was from there.
  6. The BEST Schwarzenegger article: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/arnoldoui1.html From OUI!
  7. Did you guys hear that today the former Soviet republic of Georgia offered to rename a mountain Mt. Schwarzenegger!? So cool! http://famulus.msnbc.com/FamulusIntl/ap10-....asp?reg=EUROPE
  8. I didn't catch that one... I'm having too much fun trying to find undignified pictures of Arnold online! "You're hooked Rockatanksy!!! And you know it!"
  9. Try this one... http://www.cigaraficionado.com/Cigar/CA_Ar...0,2705,,00.html Arnold did interviews in 2003, and 1996 Ahh Ha Ha!!! Awesome! I like the avatar too!
  10. No I haven't but I want to, why? Are they good? Oh yeah, really good, see above Hmmm. Site doesn't want to load for some reason.
  11. No I haven't but I want to, why? Are they good?
  12. On some girl's ass!
  13. Actually I think this is as blasphemous as you can get with Arnold... Ahhhhhhhhhh the shame! That is as shamefull as Hercules goes to New York.
  14. Awwwwwwww Come on! He's AH-nuld! Don'cha just want to put him on your monitor so he can look down on you all day? Dude that was a quote from Fefe.
  15. I think its blasfamous (sp?). <_<
  16. "what is this, funny week?"
  17. Perhaps Reese was wrong about Skynet being 'smashed' and as we now know it wasn't centralized, it could have had other elements that could have continued its fight... I guess we won't know untill t4 comes out.
  18. Take the image out of your sig.
  19. It's basically a direct sequel (of sorts) to T2. IIRC (been awhile), you're visitors at Cyberdyne. They have a rep who talks down to u as a bunch of the great unwashed on a tour of their facility. As it happens, Sara & John Connor do a terrorist raid on the facility. But the T1000 comes and attacks them during it. Arnold's terminator comes, of course, to save the day again. They get caught in some sort of temporal thing that sends them to them to the future at the same place (IIRC), Cyberdyne where Skynet is housed (IIRC, in contradiction to T3's unlocalized 'iNt4rW3B' Skynet). Um... then the "T-X" is some sort of T1000 that's huge and more like an octopus. Arnold's terminator manages to blow it up (along with Skynet), which happily sends the audience (and Sara & John) back to where they came from. Basically its' similar to T2. John is kinda brave (or lost) and the Terminator keeps protecting him while they're being pursued by the T1000. Then they go from the frying pan into the fire (first to exoskeleton infantry types then to the T-X). They have screen clips of the "real" actors telling stuff to the audience while the stunt-extra's lip-synch and run around. Sounds supremely lame.
  20. My alarm clock plays Twiggy Twiggy every morning!
  21. I ussed too, super sets and stuff like that, not anymore, I'm allmost 30 and quit working out about 4yrs ago. I am going to get back into it, more cardio than anything. I felt better when i did that then just heavy lifting. plus i blew my knees out during that time. My problem with his training that is laid out in his books and articles is the lack of scientific justification and results tracking. There are a great deal of words there but no eye for constant improvment. I have followed Mike Mentzer's training principals because of its scientific approach, which is totally contradictory to Arnold's principals on stimulation and recovery.
  22. Y'know, you're right. If you go to this link: http://www.joinarnold.com/en/press/imagecenter.php And look at the images, Arnold really does look downright thin compared to alot of the people he is standing next to. Maybe it's just the suits, but he looks almost slight in stature. Judging by those pics, and what we know (having seen in his films) I would say that he is not a very big guy at all, just VERY defined. Strange...and a bit of a letdown, one of my childhood heroes turns out to be human after all.... yep. Here he is next to a thin guy, Bill Simon who is on Arnold's right. Bill is 5' 10, 160 Lbs and Arnold has lifts in his shoes. (I don't know the dark hair guy)
  23. Why, I love the special editions! They added so much! It is like having an awesome girlfriend, and then one day out of the blue she shows with a great set of implants! With the SE you some good and some not-so-good improvements. In the case of a gf, it would be more like her coming home with a set of mismatched implants. That could work for different moods!
  24. I don't know if that is such a hot idea.
  25. That shirt is awesome. Uh, no its not! Well the ENGRISH aspect of the shirt is funny. Not making fun on gay people.
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