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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Especially since he looks about 40 feet tall in that image.
  2. That was a bit more than just tentacle extensions But I definately agree. All evil space monsters should get a tentacle extension.
  3. Given their penchant for propoganda, I'm surprised they didn't paint a turban on his head. Actually turbans aren't really a big thing in the Muslim religion... Seiks (sp?) on the other hand always wear the turban, but they are located in India for the most part.
  4. No way man! This movie is going to be awesome! I can't wait.
  5. Looks like Arnold is running for office in Afghanistan also!! Taken from Yahoo news.
  6. *Cough* Junior *Cough* Yeah, but Junior was a comedy, Bridges of Madison County was a drama. Real different. I think that Mechamaniac may be right, he may participate in action sci-fi in a different way all together. Either directing or cameo type appearances. He may be just tired of acting all togeather though. We will find out soon though. BTW: I vote no on the Mexifornia jokes... Please no politics. i hated the movie, but Clint can't be faulted for trying something different, even though it blew ass. however many Bridges of Madison County movie clint makes, he'll always be William Munny and Dirty Harry and the man with no name (AKA Blondie).... YOU didn't like it, but many others did. Imagine if Arnold did that kind of movie, he may appeal to a totally different crowd. He may be forced to... Lets face it, there aren't many kick ass character films made with old guys.
  7. Hey 91WhiskeyM6, your passion for Macross is admirable, however one should taylor arguments in a way where they aren't inflamatory, just factual... Therefore taken seriously.
  8. *Cough* Junior *Cough* Yeah, but Junior was a comedy, Bridges of Madison County was a drama. Real different. I think that Mechamaniac may be right, he may participate in action sci-fi in a different way all together. Either directing or cameo type appearances. He may be just tired of acting all togeather though. We will find out soon though. BTW: I vote no on the Mexifornia jokes... Please no politics.
  9. I am struggling with the concept of Arnold taking a backseat role as well, however I couldn't have seen that for Eastwood either. I guess we will have to wait and see? Even though Collateral Damage was a flop, Arnlod was a more normal guy there, perhaps he will attain roles where he is a regular human and still a kick ass guy. What do you guys think?
  10. I would like that as well, I would also like to see as extras, the DYRL game cut scenes, and the stills of the Max and Millia wedding that appeared in M7.
  11. Not even close. The pattern isn't the same. 1) Understandable engrish/no odd uses of words with other meanings (in english) 2) No posting of a "picture" on the second or third post. Vostok 7 ... so someone isn't at stupic as Rick this time. Or this could be legit. I don't really care, but the thread title!? The first few posts!? I dunno.
  12. Be nice!! Welcome Nana. BTW.... nana in portuguese is slang for "no no". I am not being mean, just asking a question. It just sounded a little familiar thats all.
  13. Then again he could get hit by the rumored "retaliation recall request" if he doesn't deliver after 100 days. How many aging action stars other than Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood have kept up their film careers after growing old? I don't know... someone must though... With any hope Arnie will come back to the silver screen like Eastwood did after the politics are over. There won't be another recall. I don't know, at some point Arnold's roles will change. As Eastwood isn't Dirty Harry any more, Arnold will probably play "olderish" characters in which he will be the character with the experience and let others do the ass kicking. Kind of like Connery in The Rock, or Hackman in Behind Enemy Lines.
  14. It all depends on how the next three years goes, meaning if he gets re-ellected. My guess is he will be Governor for the next 11 years.
  15. Hey does anyone remember Rainbow Fokker!?
  16. Yes, but this thread started with me telling of how Arnold has inspired me and has shaped who I am. Perhaps others judgment of "acceptable" sexual behavior have been shaped by Arnold as well. I see what you mean though. Just for the sake of the future discussion of Schwarzenegger we should nix the gang bang discussion. Um, I think hes a cool guy and all, but to have him shape your sexuall behavior?. What makes you, you? I dont want to offend, but I think thats a little far. I personally like the feels good, looks good, smells good,,,,,,must be good, That's what shaped my personal sexual beliefs (and sometimes behavior) Yeah... it was a strech!
  17. I heard that was horrible, it was called like attack of the bubble people or something like that with bad british accents Clash of the Bionoids, IIRC, which was a heavily edited US release. I also believe there was another dub made to help teach English in Japan. I saw a boot copy of it years ago, which had Japanese subs at the bottom with the English dialog. Clash was edited heavily, but it was re-released un-edited as Macross the movie... The same dub, no edits... The dub isn't that bad. It is worth watching. The VHS version is available on Amazon.com
  18. Don't get me wrong... I just think we should take it to chat!!! I'd love to, but unfortunately JsARCLIGHT is firewalled druuing the day and he has no ability to use MSN or AIM.
  19. Yes, but this thread started with me telling of how Arnold has inspired me and has shaped who I am. Perhaps others judgment of "acceptable" sexual behavior have been shaped by Arnold as well. I see what you mean though. Just for the sake of the future discussion of Schwarzenegger we should nix the gang bang discussion.
  20. No you are right about California being crazy. We can't really discuss Arnold's political life here, but I will say that in everything Arnold has ever done, he has been the greatest!
  21. Imagine that, Agent One trolling on a Macross 7 thread. Just answering the man's question!
  22. No it hasn't, read the OUI interview, Arnold is talking about the gang bangs he has been invloved with.
  23. Hey Agent... what College did you go to again and will they take a 33 year old applicant? I went to Sac State.... I thought gang bangin' was a common thing in the dorms. Maybe it had to do with the fact that my school was huge, like 30k people.
  24. In retrospect, the last paragraph was the strangest part of that interview. You mean the gang-bangin!? I guess that is kinda weird, but in college most guys I knew took truns on certian girls in one sitting. Usually a great deal of booze is involved.
  25. Money for membership will never happen. That has been addressed before. Imagine how much trouble some a-hole would cause if he or she got banned and was out $20.
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