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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I never go there! I just wave to them from here!
  2. What are you talking about, she was always crazy, that's part of her charm. Remember the whole baby tossing thing? Actually... all women are crazy in one way or another. Actually M7 did a great job with the female characters and their distinctly feminine behavior.
  3. CROM laughs at your long-haired image of Lurch! New Robotech stuff =
  4. Saw it last night... it was great! It really had this 70's ultra-violence theme that reminded me of Golgo 13... and of course the guy who played G13 was in the movie. I can't wait for part 2.
  5. Maybe it's just me but calling her a Girly-Woman wouldn't be much of an insult and could probably be taken as a compliment... CROM laughs at your oxymoron-icle nomenclature!
  6. Same person... Reba West was a fake name, all the Robotech voice "Actors" used fake names because Robotech was a non-union project, and in LA if you are an espiring actor who side steps unions, you are going to be waitin tables.
  7. More in the "Arnold height" issue: MIKE MENTZER Born: November 15, 1951 Birthplace: Ephrata, Pennsylvania, USA Died: September 6, 2001 Height: 5'8" This guy was my trainer in high school. he doesn't lie about his heitht, notice he and Arnold are the same height:
  8. Dunno about Smokescreen or Sideswipe, but the Prime IS awesome... Other than that TF products are barf-o-rama.
  9. Thanks Tuco, we'll remember that! We all know that line was totally stolen from the orig. Golgo 13 manga. Or at least that is my theory.
  10. CROM laughs at your DVD expenditure!
  11. TF fans sooooooo get the shaft.
  12. There has already been a "no" on the general discussion, there are just too many members to moderate that kind of thing... Discussions usually get political anyway. I am predicting the Mods say that "other" anime models and toys belong in the "other" forum...
  13. Oh wow! Those are awesome! The detail in the Father's sord is really wicked. Maybe if I put off some Macross purchases I can justify spending that kind of cash.
  14. But what will you do to him? I would crucify him on the Tree of Woe.
  15. Well It looks to me that the two of htem are looking eye to eye, or possibly Arnold is just slightly taller than "W". the reason I brought this point up is the fact that I actually know how tall "W" is and he isn't anywhere near 6 ft. tall. This pic is of my Fraternity Brother when he and I were working on the Bush campaign, Chris, who IS 6'1, is obviously a 4 inches taller, making "W" 5'9. This is a further illustration of just how short Schwarzenegger is.
  16. Crom: Look. This... is all a mistake. I'm just a compound interest program. I work at a savings and loan! I can't play these video games! Guard: Sure you can, pal. Look like a natural athlete if I ever saw one. Crom: Who, me? Are you kidding? No, I run out to check on T-bill rates, I get outta breath. Hey, look, you guys are gonna make my user, Mr. Henderson, very angry. He's a full-branch manager. Guard: Great. Another religious nut Crom can laugh all he wants, but he gets wiped in the end. CROM is my god, and he lives in the Earth. When I die I will have to go before him, and he will ask me, "What is the riddle of steel?" And if I don't know it he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me.. Thats CROM, strong on his mountain!
  17. I want to find the guy who thought it would be a good idea to release a movie on DVD in multiple different versions just to bleed the fans. Once I find him I want to set his Mother on fire after I crap in her mouth... Then I want to eat his dog and or his children and make him watch.
  18. Let me level with you man! It does get much better and you DO end up seeing what Basara is trying to do with his music as a means of reaching the unreachable enemy. Imagine a porno with Elton John and Boy George... it would be the most horroble thing you have ever seen... you would want to burn your eyes out with a blow torch. Then imagine they were both singing a Beastie Boy song while Yanni was playing the piano... You would want to poke your ears out with a broad sword... Then at the end of the porno they all got togeather and rescued a kitten out of a tree. The fact that the kitten was saved was nice and all, but the rest of the show, as I said before about M7, will bunr your soul. Finish M7 if you must but it may scar you perminantly.
  19. Oh come on now... M7 has SOME merit... not enough to make it worth watching though. This thread is like comparing the act of sex to having your cock removed with a butter knife. CROM laughs at your girly-man show!
  20. Same here. Dianna Rigg is the hottest chick ever.
  21. CROM laughs at your weapons thread!* *CROM is also made nervous by all you who own guns.
  22. aren't they the guys that got caught in Arnheim when Montys plan completely screwed the pooch?
  23. No politics of course... Arnold is standing closer in this picture to the camera than "W" is... would you guys say they are the same height?
  24. That is how I view our borderline crimson satanic friend also.
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