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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I guess I didn't really answer the question directly: I would remake Golgo 13 The Professional... but with the extra violence stuff above, as if G13 wasn't violent enough.
  2. Kinda like a Golgo 13 / Kill Bill thing.... Butcherfest! Main character: Great looking muscular guy (model after myself ) The guy would be an up and comming hit man/opportunist he would work his way through through the scum of the earth getting tons of cash and leaving thousands dead behind him. Innocent and bad, who cares. He would also pork tons of chicks and care about none of them he would also make dinner for the girls that he porks and they wouldn't know it but what they would be eating are the body parts of people he has killed. He would also kill the mothers of all the people who screwed with him. He would make them watch as they burned to death, or were eaten by starved rats or something. Then he would remove their eyes, their toungs and their limbs but leave them alive. I can't emphasize butcherfest enough... it would make Kill Bill look like Disney.
  3. CROM laughs at your Necronomicon!
  4. Nope, Bush flew the F-102...when he felt like showing up, that is. CROM laughs at your bad political humor! Umm... that must mean it's funny if Crom laughed? Oh yeah, my god can beat up your god anyday. ALL HAIL THE GREAT CTHULU!
  5. Nope, Bush flew the F-102...when he felt like showing up, that is. CROM laughs at your bad political humor!
  6. Here it is.... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/board/nest/3387857 Fire away. He won't be able to argue this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/board/nest/3387857 (posted under TheMajor)
  7. Hmm, yes, it DOES look like you're taken Not by him! By her:
  8. ME: Name: John Height: 6ft. Weight: 200 lbs. Age: 27 Occupation: CRM software / online advertising and marketing, I work on the bus-dev side. Education: MBA, starting a PhD soon Body: 6% body fat... rock hard, Rugby conditioned... beautiful. Relationship status: Sorry ladies Agent ONE is taken! Picture: (it was used for a club promotion) I am on YOUR right.
  9. I think that would be just like Gundam.
  10. Ironic how the best RT songs were sung by a "girly-man". ... I am comfortable enough in my own sexuality to appreciate a cross dresser... Besides Lancer is nothing compared to the gender identity mess in M7.
  11. I want the next Macross series to show M7 as a fictional little kids show within the Macross universe.
  12. Huh? McBride forgets... if he plays nice I will let him feel my muscles at the next con.
  13. LOL, you don't shrink 2 inches when you pass 50. maybe 2 inches when someone is 88 or something.
  14. Yeah, that is how I know how tall he is... in 95' I saw him in Sacramento and I shook his hand. I am 6' and he is shorter than me, and it was also obvious he had lifts in his shoes. The real answer is looking at him on the posing stage (when he isn't wearing shoes) next to another bodybuilder who's height is known. That is why I posted that last black and white of Mike Mentzer standing next to Arnold... I know Mentzer is 5'8, Arnold might me an inch taller than him, but not much more than an inch. therefore Arnold is 5'8-5'9.5.
  15. Post a link to the argument. I want to beat up on him.
  16. Of course, most of the pics that guy points out as "proof" involve Arnold in the foreground, and persons in the background. Send that guy the pic of Mike Mentzer (that black and white bodybuilding picture) and tell him that Mike is 5'8.
  17. Agent ONE


    Welcome my backwards friend... I am going to PUMP YOU up!
  18. You might have a point.
  19. I have an ex-girlfriend that had one of those... She would fly it under the Golden Gate bridge.
  20. CROM laughs at your irony!
  21. No way man... Lancer's songs in RT were awesome!
  22. Snoopy's Dog house... I mean come on.
  23. As some of you may have gone to a state run school, you would know that if you do the Gorveror signs your degree... Well that means that all those who are going to graduate in the next three years are going to have Arnold's signature on their wall! As my girlfriend is a PhD student at Berkeley, she was wondering if Arnold had a good signature... unfortunately it dosen't seem to look too great. <_<
  24. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. Yeah, I thought the two of you were buddies. Does no one read what I actually write? Actually to tell you the truth... no. I really don't, I skip all of your posts. I don't care much to discuss the legal issues. I like Macross just the way it is, and fortunately because of bad blood, bad business practice, and bad management it won't be changin for a long time... I thought you and bok were buddies a long time ago because you were both pissing everyone else off in the same way, however bok was less tactfull than you. The two of you stand on MW because the both of you are both obviously adults, but you are still clinging on to a hack job 80's show that was full of mistakes, and dumbed down for a kiddie US audience.
  25. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. Yeah, I thought the two of you were buddies.
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