If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways.
Yeah, I thought the two of you were buddies.
Does no one read what I actually write?
Actually to tell you the truth... no. I really don't, I skip all of your posts. I don't care much to discuss the legal issues. I like Macross just the way it is, and fortunately because of bad blood, bad business practice, and bad management it won't be changin for a long time...
I thought you and bok were buddies a long time ago because you were both pissing everyone else off in the same way, however bok was less tactfull than you. The two of you stand on MW because the both of you are both obviously adults, but you are still clinging on to a hack job 80's show that was full of mistakes, and dumbed down for a kiddie US audience.