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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Ummm... world domination thru the suffering and death of millions of others, all in the name of evil??? Maybe??? Yeah but, don't we all have that aspiration!? I mean, come on... That IS my plan.
  2. Isnt that the bad guy from the Lord of the Ring's? I don't know if you would call him BAD, because what is BAD anyway?
  3. I thought this thread was about Sauron.
  4. Schwarzenegger appears at Mr. Olympia event in Vegas It is nice to see that even though HE is so much bigger than that sport, he still praises it. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...0039EDT0145.DTL
  5. I feel for all you Southern CA guys... One of my Professors died in the Oakland hills fire years ago. That was a fire of similar magnitude.
  6. She hates it bad enough you have to hide it!!? That is lousy. Is she into anything that you hate? You should make a compromise. I can't imagine hiding one of my interests from my GF.
  7. Thats because everyone in the world wishes they could be American.
  8. How do you feel old at 27!? I am 27 and am at the best shape of my life. The way I see it, the difference between 21 and 27 is, people want to pay you more money and respect your opinion. Also chicks trust older guys over younger... I love being 27.
  9. CROM laughs at Versus thread that is soon to be locked!... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...f=2&t=2483&st=0
  10. He isn't in office yet... Gray Davis declared a state of emergency.
  11. You made the right decision... There is nothing wrong with forgiveness but you aren't going to be a sucker. The hardest part is over. Good job and we will see you back here soon.
  12. CROM laughs at your beatings of the dead horse.
  13. I just turned 27.
  14. Perhaps a link/url would be more helpful than taunting? www.kazaa.com
  15. KITT would totally drive over all of those biatches.
  16. Don't take offense. I can't speak for Keith, but I was just kidding... I actually don't like most anime. I just like Macross (G13 and Harlock also), but I have been aware of the situation of the bootlegs and fansubs becoming recently available and this current scenario is 10 times better than it was only a few years ago. If you feel any agression from anyone on the board on the subject of fansubs and bootlegs it is because those products rip off Big West (owner of Macross) and that ultimately hurts US the fans. I don't mean to seem oversensitive about the issue, but I'm not so loyal to Big West that I'm gonna go out and buy a Region 2 DVD player or hack my current one so I can shell out another $50+ for the same thing with the language barrier still up. If they want my money, they can blow HG off the map (legally or physically, I don't care) and start peddling their wares stateside. Oh, I'm with you. I don't buy the official releases... I don't have the DVD player for it, and there is no english subs on them anyway. I was just informing you of why SOME members being a little snotty when it comes to the subject.
  17. Don't take offense. I can't speak for Keith, but I was just kidding... I actually don't like most anime. I just like Macross (G13 and Harlock also), but I have been aware of the situation of the bootlegs and fansubs becoming recently available and this current scenario is 10 times better than it was only a few years ago. If you feel any agression from anyone on the board on the subject of fansubs and bootlegs it is because those products rip off Big West (owner of Macross) and that ultimately hurts US the fans.
  18. I think the argument is that the free subs you can download are better than the $10 knock off. But yeah... ingrates. It's pretty simple, really. I'd like to understand my cool cartoon. Why does that make me an ingrate? Keith is just making the statement that only a few years ago the US kids (or for that matter anyone outside Japan) would have to pay the full price for the real deal Tape ($30-$40 plus shipping)... Have to get a Japan region player... and have NO subs. Then you could possibly find a bootleg tape, but the quality was CRAP.
  19. I had Camshaft... he was ok... I always liked the 308 Ferrari design. Myriad, Wow man... Blast from the past! I haven't looked at that G1 catalog since the early 80's!
  20. I think the argument is that the free subs you can download are better than the $10 knock off. But yeah... ingrates.
  21. CROM laughs at your versus threads!
  22. AH! WDC! someone finally decided to cage you... I have always thought that was a good idea. Too bad the little girl will be trapped for eternity with you, but if you want to make an omlet, ya' have to break some eggs. A small price to pay for containing your evilness... I hope it doesn't poisoin her soul.
  23. Correct, so he decided to go off the deep end, and prove what a GIT he really is!. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/board/nest/3387857 Ah... He is just a crazy super fan that would like to see Arnold as super human. Oh well... There are door knobs all over the place like that.
  24. CROM is my God, and he lives in the Earth... and YOU are the one who brought up the political crack.
  25. WOW! dude no one has seen that. I am shocked and amazed that ANYONE knew about Golgo 13: The Kowloon Assignment, Sonny Chiba was unreal in it. He is the only reason I went to see Kill Bill. I would want to make a much more updated version if G13... Steven Seagal would make a good Duke Togo I guess, however if I were casting a movie like that I would want an actor that I could cast in 10 more so I would want a super young guy. Seagal is old.
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