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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I meant MZero. Dude! Use the edit button!! You know you wanna!
  2. I meant MZero.
  3. They already have with the Anima Spiritia portions. All those flowers and such moving in response to Sara's song... And that was joined at the hip with the Protodevlin in M7... Symbolic sum of the works? That sounds possible, but I think there might also be an in-story reason why this is a prequel... and given the spiritia connection, it's definately gonna be along M7's lines... Allong M7 lines (involving song energy) is a whole lot different than having the Homodevlin flying around. There will be no evil space monsters in M7.
  4. Welcome to Locksville.
  5. Robotech Purist, The key to turning someone on to an idea is to make them think that they thought of it first... IE you should be much more sly about your Robotech spamming. You should say things like "not only are the hands usefull, but I was amazed at the quality! Toynami is really on the right track with great products." No one going to crap on you if you come at in a positive way. The way you come off, members are left to ponder... 'is your head full of human feces, or dog feces?'
  6. Macross Zero is WAY to adult-targeted to include the stupidity of the Homodevlin. Just from a marketing perspective affiliating the two shows wouldn't be feasable or possible.
  7. Cool. I just found a new avatar
  8. So its gonna be Half Life with inbit..... No mecha, other than the Ride-less Ride Armor?? I doubt they would do that... It would be kinda pointless. Fans wouldn't buy it, the whole attraction that Robotech had in the 80's was the transforming mecha.
  9. It takes place after. It invloves the development of the VF-1. The compendium states: 2008 August VF-1 series [scheduled to] begin deployment for actual combat. (However, usage is to have been limited to Fighter mode only.) September Macross Zero The United Nations government and Anti-United Nations forces secretly deploy the VF-0 and SV-51 respectively while disputing over a recently discovered phenomenon on the island of Mayan in the South Pacific Ocean. (The events are kept secret for at least five decades.) Rollout of the first HWR-00 series model. October ARMD II commissioned. November All-environ variable fighter VF-1 series mass production begins. November 23 Rollout of the first trial production VF-1A variable fighter. November 29 Maiden flight of the first trial production VF-1A variable fighter.
  10. You keep talking as if that's a BAD thing If they had at least made her older it wouldn't be so bad, but we are talking about dolling up a little kid and throwing panty shots in our faces.
  11. Why are you beating around the bush... Just ASK if you want to feel my muscles. M7 isn't necessarily as gay as it is lame and sad... also a pedophile show as it attracts its sick audience with panty shots of a 14 year old girl. YOU WILL LSITEN TO BASARA'S SONG! The music of M7 was kinda catchy, (thought Planet Dance sucks the cum out of a dead hooker's ass) ... reminded me of any foreign boy band... like a Japanese New Kids on the Block. Keith, I find it funny that you rip on many US things like Aron Spelling stuff and sitcoms... I feel that FireBomber music is the same thing... Just stuff that was invented by some marketing group somewhere designed to sell stuff.
  12. One of my ex-GFs said the same thing about Jin-Roh... I loved it though. My current GF likes anime more than I do.
  13. It is possible... Those other shows you mentioned I don't like at all... They are all kiddie and lame... They give anime a bad name when they come to the US in my opinion.
  14. Why are you beating around the bush... Just ASK if you want to feel my muscles. M7 isn't necessarily as gay as it is lame and sad... also a pedophile show as it attracts its sick audience with panty shots of a 14 year old girl.
  15. single huh? lol The aftermath of this topic header Just started watching M7 with my GF and now I'm A) single B) sleeping on the couch C) divorced D) out of the closet Best Post of the DAY!!!
  16. Way to be diplomatic.. Keith is right, just leave out the part where you tell her to shut up... You might consider a compromise... She watches SDF-Macross if you watch one of her chick flicks. Don't show her M7 cause she will question your orientation and that is worse than her just being iritated.
  17. NEO-GEO was teh c00l3st.
  18. I think it depends on the thread... For example if it is a for sale thread where you are trying to respond as quickly as possible to questions other members might have on something you are selling, then it is important enough to be notified.
  19. Hey, you guys sound perfect together... in a Pinky and the Brain kinda way... You know what we're going to do today? Time to fly my black market fighter underneath a national landmark? No, we're going to try and rule the world!!! I don't think she flys her plane all the places she did back when I was with her... you know with national security and all. However she is a little nuts so who knows... Maybe now she is flying over farms and blowing roofs off of barns or something. That plane was so fast.
  20. Actually, it's at the top of the page, right under the New Topic/New Poll icon... It is at both.
  21. You dated somebody with a P51...? Only in California, I guess. I don't know what they sell for now, but I believe it's somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah the chick had some strange priorities... She had a P51 that she flew illegally under the Golden Gate bridge all the time, she would fly low over the low income housing areas because no one would complain but people would come running out of their houses like it was the end of the world. She also drove an H1 Hummer, which caught on fire one day when she was racing it... I didn't know exactly what to say to that. She was just kind of a crazy chick, she was a former military intelligence officer in the Bosnian Army (I think she had killed many people) and I think it scrambled her head a little so I tried not to give editorial on her behavior.
  22. Hmm. I think you should save your money. But I think Keith says the Fx ones are better.
  23. I don't know how much my ex paid for hers, but it was in the hundreds of thousands.
  24. I like the idea... too many lazy guys around here that just wouldn't want to mail something though.
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