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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. OMG!!! The special edition of Pumping Iron is so good. Arnold had a new interview in it where he talks the Pot he smoked (and inhaled) and the steriods he did. Really interesting.
  2. So true! I can't think of a live action movie where a love triangle was protrayed better either.
  3. You mean Focker, and as DYRL suggested I think you are right. Roy wanted Hikaru to be with Misa early on.
  4. For every 48 people here that like it, 51 love it. Check out this old thread. ... Pay no attention to that survey as it wasn't one... It was just a gathering of M7 fans, I must say I am amazed for such a crappy show, M7 does have some hard core fans. But then again Elton John, Tiny Tim, and Boy George had fans too. <_<
  5. There is no need for that... Didn't you see Demolition Man!!!? And there goes the toilet paper vs. three shells argument too. Or the "Just how far is Schwarzenegger gonna go?" thread either.
  6. There is no need for that... Didn't you see Demolition Man!!!?
  7. I think Roy is trying to tell you that you are all little girly men and you aren't in shape like him.
  8. I don't really understand why you guys beat up in Minmay so much. Untill my current girlfriend, I dated whinny, bitchy, shallow girls exclusively. They were great. Chicks like Minmay can be so much fun. Hikaru did it just perfect, except he should have spent the a few years nailing Minmay (instead of JUST hanging out with her), then gone to Misa.
  9. Because it was. Not only was it an embarrassment to the Termintor name with the gay jokes and horrible visual gags, the story was weak, the acting was dire and the action was terrible, neutered to almost PG-13 levels. yeah...
  10. How can you stomach that crap? Dude 0% is the best for looking svelt. [arnold] milk is for babies, when you grow up you have to drink beer. [/arnold] Name that film.
  11. What he said... Can't speak to M2, never saw it. I downloaded the first two eps of Mac 7, and the 30 minutes I spent watching the first episode is time that I will never get back. It just sucked, and the animation sucked, they re-used the same freaking piece of animation like 5 times in the same episode, which wouldn't have mattered if it had been animated well, but it was not. Get Flashback 2012, it's interesting enough and cheap enough, plus you get some new footage. Get Mac Zero definitely. Yeah I don't know how Macross Zero slipped my mind... both Treatment and Mechamaniac are right.
  12. M2 is cool if you like DYRL. Macross 7 is worth it for the story continuity ONLY, that is unless you like anime like Salor moon... If that is the case I can't help you. You should just read M7 on the Macross Compendium web site... it isn't even worth the download and the time to watch it, even if it is free, it is too much.
  13. Not true... EVERYTHING in that thread has to do with Arnold the Sci-Fi star, because all the other stuff let to him being the Sci-Fi star he is... His body building career has direct relation His love life in the promotion of his body building career has direct relation His relationship with other actors (like The Rock)has direct relation as he has stake in many production companies
  14. I am not sure I understand what you are saying... I meant for consistency, all who get the 1S would get a black heatshield. Oh ok. I had read: and interpreted it wrong (ALL as meaning all valkryies not just all 1S). Sorry! eh... I kinda think they should have all been black, but more importantly, just for consistency sake the 1S should always have a black one.
  15. I have all the VF-1s I would want... The only other Macross things I would probably buy would be a DYRL SDF-Macross, and a VF-4.
  16. PUMPING IRON IS NOW AVAILABLE IN DVD!!!!!!!! Did anyone order it? I just got mine from Amazon.
  18. But it doesn't really matter... I mean if Hugh Jackman doesn another romance movie it will probably be mentioned in an Xmen thread... I think I have read more about Kate and Leapold here than I have anywhere else. The fact remains in the Sci-Fi / action genre there isn't a higher paid actor... he (and especially the Terminator brand) is a pillar of the Sci-Fi industry.
  19. Its that chick from Comando!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry... Like EXO said, it sounds like food.
  20. It would get locked right away as it is a worthless discussion, however you won't find anyone to argue the RT side. Most people in this forum who like RT, are mature enough to just like it despite its lack of orig. work, just as a different flavor of the real work.
  21. You are about a month late to the prom. The Schwarzenegger thread exists because it focuses on a Sci-Fi star... Arnold the Sci-Fi star = Arnold the Body Builder = The Austrian Oak, my inspiration in athletic achievement and life in general. It isn't a list. It IS about "Other Anime and Sci-Fi."
  22. WTF is that?
  23. Dude, you make it sound like the entire movie was crap... There were a few corny things, but no different than T2 in that regard. Besides Arnold wasn't a warm character in T3 like he was in T2 therefore they needed to bridge the gap between the feelingless T-101 in the first movie to the caring and almost loving T-T-101 in T2.
  24. Should be. Otherwise you risk debris flying into your turbines. Not only that, but there's nothing to 'take in' the vacuum of space might even suck out the fuel through the intakes The VF-1 doesn't have liquid fuel... nuclear powered!
  25. I am not sure I understand what you are saying... I meant for consistency, all who get the 1S would get a black heatshield.
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