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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. The only trilogy I can think of that fits this discription is the Matrix...
  2. Another possible solution: Do a battle damage custom. You could take a butane lighter and blow holes in the pannels in certain places... it could look really cool, but to pull it off you really have to put in some time and research. Example:
  3. It would play back to back with American Ninja 3.
  4. wow that thing LOOKS awesome. I hope the US upgrades the gear our guys have in the field... We have waited too long for it.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. Is it just me or does it look a lot like one of Brian's awesome 3D models? Too soft to be real I think, probably is a 3d render. Yeah but that is what most people think about picures of Agent ONE. They think I'm a 3D render, just too perfect I guess.
  6. Yeah, well that is the thing about CROM... It isn't always the best thing to attract his attention. Most people don't pray to him as they are affraid he will think they complain hence he will make their lives harder.
  7. The act of being a prequel and a sequel at the same time is an interesting concept, but doesn't guarantee greatness. And having potential isn't the same as living up to the potential. ... I completely agree. We will have to see, but I will give Hollywood (and Arnold, as he will no doubt be involved in some way) the befifit of the doubt.
  8. *added by Agent ONE So Aliens was just a movie about killing bugs?... Saving Private Ryan was about just finding some dude in the battle field?... The Bible was just about nailing some dude to some wood?... You symplify anything to make it sound stupid. T4 has some awesome potential... it was serve as both a sequel to T3 and a pre-quel to Terminator. A flim has never served the purpose of BOTH those things, ever. Look I didnt ask to get flamed and it is freedom here on the boards for me to speak my opinion. If you like t3 fine and you expressed it. I have my damn right to express my opinion on the movie like you did. I also have the right to express my speculation. ... you make good points. I wasn't meaning to beat up on you. Sorry if it seems that way.
  9. flight suits are totally different. I don't think they will do the TV schemes... They suck compared to DYRL schemes anyway.
  10. *added by Agent ONE So Aliens was just a movie about killing bugs?... Saving Private Ryan was about just finding some dude in the battle field?... The Bible was just about nailing some dude to some wood?... You symplify anything to make it sound stupid. T4 has some awesome potential... it was serve as both a sequel to T3 and a pre-quel to Terminator. A flim has never served the purpose of BOTH those things, ever.
  11. Sure you will, when are in the middle of your mid life crisis and you get a Vet... That is a toy that costs more than $150.
  12. How about an iPod? Since all the new Transformers are newer stuff, and not their old 80's stuff, why not?
  13. That would be like Bin Laden signing the Bible... That is horrible.
  14. How on earth did I manage to do that?
  15. Formerly I thought this was the best Tats/HG Smilie:
  16. Ebay has an NTSC region-free version. That auction looks pretty sketchy. I'm pretty doubtful about the 5.1 surround sound. But then again, there aren't many alternatives. Despite the sketchy nature of this guy I bought the DVD and I got it today... GREAT quality for a boot, better than my VHS copy ever was so they must have gotten something better as a source, no real extras other than a bio of Ralph Bakishi which was probably just cut and pasted from somewhere off of the Web, but the DVD is worth it if you like the movie. I am going to watch it tonight with my Dad, he loves the movie.
  17. I know what you are saying, as the "Other" is the most active forum now since toys/models/customizations split into three forums, however this is a Macross board, and if we are going through an exercise to expand and facilitate discussion of off topic things, then we aren't much of a MACROSS board are we? My suggestion: Make a thread in the "other" forum that is a request for links to other boards that focus in those other discussions, IE: Gundam, and Transformers. (also keep in mind that Shawn pays for our place to play here and he is a Macross fan, I don't see him paying much attention to the "other" stuff) Just as a side note I personally think Gundam is the suck and I don't think much of Transformers with the exception of the movie... I do think it is important to have the "other" forum though as I enjoy discussions relating to other things with other Macross fans. As I am sure we are all here because Macross is our favorite show, I can then make the assumption that the membership here has the same taste in entertainment as I do which can relate to even non-anime stuff.
  18. yes, seems like some members dont be agree with yamato and bandai due they overproduce some items, just like CF. I think this is great because many of us have the opportunity to own more of each. Additionally they are the starting point to be a macross toy collectorr (like me ) ... Ok, I understand. The thing is some of us, like me, aren't toy collectors. I just like Macross, therefore making things more exclusive is kind of a pain as we wouldn't always be able to get what we want. Holy crap! The Major and I agree on something. The apocalypse is nigh. WTF are you talking about!!?? I am a totally agreeable guy. I piss on M7, but that is about it.
  19. Keith is having trouble accepting the fact that M7 IS Kawamori's version of M2... Of course using Keith's own logic, since there is no evidence to directly contradict the above statement, it is FACT.
  20. Look whos talking If there were only a smilie symbolizing a hand job.
  21. yes, seems like some members dont be agree with yamato and bandai due they overproduce some items, just like CF. I think this is great because many of us have the opportunity to own more of each. Additionally they are the starting point to be a macross toy collectorr (like me ) ... Ok, I understand. The thing is some of us, like me, aren't toy collectors. I just like Macross, therefore making things more exclusive is kind of a pain as we wouldn't always be able to get what we want.
  22. IMO, I don't think Minmay is portrayed as a moron in Macross, a little immature maybe, but not stupid. Of course if we are talking RT, then that's another story altogether Personally, I would have chosen Minmay. Misa is not at all physically attractive in the TV series. Graham It all depends on the episode. ... I think that is one huge discrepency that is cleaned up in DYRL... It was just too much of a strech to see Hikaru go after such a blah chick, so they made her much hotter.
  23. Good job Bob.
  24. Your choices are strange... Are you just asking from an exclusivity perspective?
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