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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. More or less.... Well, when most fans are male.. what do you expect? Giant robot animation isnt quite a big draw for females. Is that why most men in anime are kinda wimpy?.. So the weak guys can see the weak guys get the hot chicks? IE: No reason to put in some real stud guy to please chicks. This could account for Hikaru's timid nature with girls.
  2. looks like the best episode thus far!
  3. I have that... You told me about that thing months ago!
  4. There is no such thing in the Macross fictional universe.
  5. It....it had Bruce Campbell in it. That's gotta count for something, right? Did you see the new Campell movie, Bubba Ho-Tep? It sucked the cum out of a dead hooker's ass.
  6. Since when did you start believing HG? So you are implying they are lying a-holes?
  7. I hope someone does a real good job of ripping the remastered DVDs and puts them up on some file sharing network. I'd like to burn em to vcd and give them away at comic shows just to keep HG from makin a dime. *wrylac is correct in that it has been standard hollywood to put something out, then 6 months later put out the remastered version/special edition. The difference is most companies will let you know ahead of time that there is a remastered version comming. HG didn't however... I love piracy.
  8. I think the idea is they should have remastered them in the first place... To wait till everyone has the crap DVDs then release the remastered ones is just fuct.
  9. I recomend Macross... everything is good except for that 7 part.
  10. The first one wasn't terrible... "im all ears"
  11. Beast Master was fun 80's crap. Crappy but fun. Now Beast Master II and III were just pure crap. There was also a Lou Ferigno (spelling) Hercules movie which I remember as being pretty bad. I have seen it since 1986 but I remember it ending with a pretty cheesy looking cartoon stick figure fight. That Ferrigno movie had to be dubbed as Lou is deaf and he sounds really retarted. You can see the extent of his dissability in Pumping Iron (his bodybuilding showdown with Arnold).
  12. No that is Roy's former friend/nemisis D.D. Ivanov. Rusike... Commie... Pinko. Hope Roy drinks his blood.
  13. LOL I wasn't sure if anyone else had ever seen that suck ass movie. It did have a funny side though.
  14. I've been pushing this one for a while:
  15. You should fill em instead... Yeah but what if he wants to take that thing apart later?
  16. They probably couldn't make it worse...
  17. How about an iPod? Since all the new Transformers are newer stuff, and not their old 80's stuff, why not? Yeah, they should make a transformable iPod, that then ejects... mp3s... that transform into... wait, wah?! Hey... TF is lame, not my fault. They abandon the 80's feel that they have, which I feel is the only thing they would have going for them.
  18. CROM laughs at your editings!
  19. Yeah, but when Cameron did the first one, they didn't have to pay him much... T1 made him.
  20. Do we need to create an "Agent ONE talking crap about himself thread"? Next thing you know, you'll be referring to yourself in the third person too. Hey, don't worry about Agent ONE... Agent ONE is doin' OK!
  21. T3 comes to mind As much as I don't want to, I can see what you are saying.
  22. well if you don't want a bootleg copy and you live in the US, you are going to need to get a Japanese DVD player, otherwise the "official" DVDs won't play. An expensive venture.
  23. I can't pork in front of my VFs... I always feel like Roy is looking at the lucky girl of the evening.
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