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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Hmm, it will either be really bad or really funny
  2. This project is happening in Argentina, thats a country in South America. Its further south than Mexico.
  3. Ok.. Does anyone think this will go anywhere?
  4. Basically yes... People would try to make fun of me and say; "nice go-kart." I would respond with, "dude, you have no idea.. its a go-kart that isn't confined to a kart track!" They would think about it, change the expression on their faces, then say: "oh... Actually that is really cool."
  5. Agree, but it didn't hurt the film.
  6. I don't think he meant that in a bad way. My Lotus impressed me every day. This was far more important than impressing anyone else. I loved driving that car.
  7. Wow, this is awesome!!
  8. My story too. I still like it.
  9. There will be other girlfriends...
  10. When seeing the thread title I wanted to just unload with pictures of me kissing my biceps, but since you guys are awesome at photography, I will take this thread seriously. Amazing pictures everyone!
  11. Actually the lighter they are, the lower the top speed number usually is, unless there is some amazing engineering (like in un-street-able F1 cars). My Lotus would shake so hard at 140, I understood why they put a speed governor on it. They don't tell you is how long it takes the bat-mobile to get to 180... Might take two min.
  12. Bald guys are evil
  13. A 1982 Ferrari 308 was 214ph 0-60 in 6.5 seconds vs a Delorean, 150hp 0-60 in 8.8 seconds. I don't think this car was ever for anyone who cared about performance. Hey, Jag has never had problems selling their "sports" car.
  14. Glad I am not the only person who likes the 370... I really don't understand why it was not a more popular car.
  15. None, I know nothing about any of the individual comics either. I have never heard of the chick or the archer guy till seeing the trailer for this movie, and asking, who they are.
  16. You would choose whatever side you were born on. That is how people pick sides in war.
  17. I hope it portrays how great the Chinese government is, and far superior to our way of life and thinking, hence their success.
  18. So was I... This may explain my badassness.
  19. If this board were the digital ground-zero-wastland-of-lawlessness (what it would be if I ran it) we would have T/A threads everywhere.
  20. HAHAHA!!!! Best car ad ever!!! Lets not turn this into a hot girl thread... It will get locked.
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