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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. The Agent ONE way to handle this? Sounds more like the sick pervert, who likes to touch himself and jerk off on a door nob way to handle this. Note to self: If next MacrossWorld Bay Area meet is at Agent ONE's home, be sure to wear surgical gloves. That is the general rule amongst my friends.
  2. What types of characters do you guys have? I have a Barbarian.
  3. I got it about 2 months ago when a co-worker said I needed to check it out. I love it, but other than Mod Max, I don't know anyone who plays it.
  4. The right way to handle this: Do nothing The wrong way to handle this: Load a gun The Agent ONE way to handle this: Jerk off on the door knob and set up a web cam to monitor who comes up to the door and messes their hand up. Dude, your wife is having one of her friends do this.
  5. CROM laughs at your ghost bustings!
  6. Didn't you just bitch about immaturity in this thread?
  7. Agent ONE

    MPC SDF-1?

    That is what I am hoping for.
  8. Hey man! I love 90210!
  9. Max, Lock this thread... These guys are talkin a whole lot of nuthin'. The subject of this thread has already proven to be a falacy, coupled with the fact that various members have trouble handling criticism, resulting in whining. March, what is your problem, you are just calling Max out for a fight over the queerest issue in the world. Drop it. Complainers should change their avatar to this:
  10. Woah! I missed that! Link me! That is unheard of... Even for extreem levels of synthetic hormone use. Naw, the guy I was talking about would bulk up from 165 to 220 in about a month or so. His initail package he takes (allways bragging about it) is about $5,000 and labeled as animal steroids to avoid problems. Im seriously surprised he doesnt get lockjaw Yeah, but he isn't a beginer, and 4 days and 1 month are quite different. Still, incredible gains can be made from steroids. Here is one of the guys who I know: Kris Dim
  11. Woah! I missed that! Link me! That is unheard of... Even for extreem levels of synthetic hormone use.
  12. Why don't you make them use the sig "Steroids are good!!" too? Quiet you monster! ... But steroids are BAD. Many lives of my rugby team-mates have been ruined because of steroids... I hope no one thinks I advocate their use.
  13. Here is the Avatar that the n00bs should have:
  14. ...Most commonly practiced in the presence of and durring football matches.
  15. You must be in a fraternity. Olny a fraternity man would think of such a thing.
  16. Nah, EXO is right, PPL are getting more sophisticated when it comes to the level of movies they will accept... Think of some 70s and 80s movies that were cool back then but now wouldn't make it to the screen today.
  17. ToTheBunchOfFools, I am so glad you decided to waste your time entertaining us, just to be rewarded by being banned again... It takes more effort from you to be a dork than it takes a mod to lock you out... Knock yourself out dipshit!
  18. I liked this movie the first time when it was called Xmen.
  19. In your profile when you click on your name there is a space for you to manually enter your old username and post count... That is as good as it gets!
  20. Nah, mods work for free... They don't like ideas that give them more work. Besides when threads get locked you usually don't need a sliderule to figure out why...
  21. If we locked avatars I would loose the oportunity to upload more pictures of myself in my future avatars and nobody wants that!
  22. Urmm, no, toughness has nothing to do with becoming an officer. All you need is 60 credits or more from a college or mail in university to go to OCS, and then BLAMMO - you're an officer. Out of all the Officers that I came across in my 8 year hitch, there were about two who were truly bad assed Mofo's. The rest of them were just normal soldiers like the rest of us, but more educated, and hence, in charge. Yeah but you have to admit, Officer school is no walk in the park and it isn't the same as basic training. How many officers did you come across that were pussies? It is also important to note in 1876 ANY soldier was probably much tougher than today's. Life sucked back then.
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