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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I was within 8 days of leaving for USMC OCS after I graduated... I got a job offer I couldn't refuse though so I bailed... I will always regret missing the oportunity to put some foot to ass for my country.
  2. Yes but instead of leaving nice things I am going to leave dead cats. WTF was I thinking,, dead cats are soo much sweeter. I was thinking of a shaved gerbil for the gay guy down the street ... You could follow that up with some M7 dvds.
  3. Woah... Maybe I just grew up in a house where baseball was important, but I would recognize Mays before I would recognize almost any other sports hero... Maybe Arnold not recognizing him is sort of understandable considering the importance of baseball in Austria.
  4. Yeah... Think of Agent ONE!
  5. CROM laughs at your post editings!
  6. I really like porking random women. Getting married would really slow THAT hobby down.
  7. Yes but instead of leaving nice things I am going to leave dead cats.
  8. I agree... Religious debates suck. This is why I am going to start my own religion/cult. Anyone interested? There are going to be some great tax benifits.
  9. LOL... Guitar control stick!!? There was actually no control stick you could see in the show, that is because Basara was sitting on it.
  10. I need to remember to use the word "dingbat " more. I like it.
  11. Nuke a baby space whale for Jesus? LOL. As long as Basara, the ass-clown, is riding on him.
  12. If it's Michael Jackson, that is. <_< LOL.
  13. ... But they are all so... M7.
  14. Or you could do what Agent ONE first said and just jerk-off on the door knob. That IS the best suggestion to date.
  15. There is some action in the "movie" if you want to call it that though I wouldn't recomend it to anyone I liked... The OVA is crap if you are lookin for action... It is about some fruity space whales... yeah thats right, space whales. They fly through space and then die on a planet when their life is over IE they are old. Basara scares them out of lying down to die by showing them how lame and sissy he really is... Then they all frollic amongst the stars together like the teletubies giving a handjob to Michael Jackson. The thing is a true show of crappyness upon total garbage. It is the shame of Macross.
  16. Never liked Christmas... I find the concept of Santa to be kinda scary... Maybe it has something to do with that day when I was a kid when a shopping mall Santa killed my Dad.
  17. What did I miss? Some girly men blabing their girly message all over the board?
  18. You are correct about the local hero thing, in SF Willie is a hero. But then again, being a conservative, Arnold has steered clear of SF for the most part for his entire life. He had one party at the commonwealth club two years ago to promote his afterschool programs for kids, but other than that SF is just too different. That is probably part of the reason he had no idea who Willie is... Also Pfunk, you are correct I think it takes a real a-hole to say, "so don't you know who I am." And I am glad you support Gavin. He is really happy he won the other night, I was standing right next to him when we were watching Matt's consession speech. I think Matt is a good guy, but he has some really bad ideas.
  19. Schwarzenegger meets Whillie Mays... and has no clue who he is! See link: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...BAGRB3OR5E1.DTL By the way the article is about a friend of mine who got ellected Mayor last week.
  20. Does your wife have a cell phone? Grab it when she is not looking and check when the outbound calls are made for the past few days. She is probably calling a neighbor to do this when she knows you aren't paying attention to the front door.
  21. CROM laughs at your car hidings!
  22. And they would be justified.
  23. HEAR ME NOW AND BELIEVE ME LATER! YOU ARE ALL LITTLE WIMPY GIRLY-MEN! I bid on that thing. You guys are jerks.
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