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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I didn't have a problem with Hayden, he is no better or worse than Hamill.
  2. Don't listen to em Omega... Pointing and laughing at your friends will keep them from turning into pussies, which will help them in the long run. You are a man of the people.
  3. I think car prices of super high end sports cars are ridiculous, but not everything is a con. I drove a Lotus every day for 2 years in San Francisco. It was an awesome design, super fast, and not expensive at all. Some companies redesign their cars just so you feel you need the newer one, but other companies actually do the oposite. Porsche keeps the 911 the same so even an old one has high value.
  4. HAHA, well done. I support peer ridicule. It is what made kids tougher in the past, and the lack of peer ridicule is why kids are worthless and weak today.
  5. I never found the romance scenes to be awkward. I say awkward, goofy stuff to girls all the time and I never have trouble closing the deal.
  6. Interesting... Of course Connery had a homoerotic scene in Goldfinger. I thought both scenes were more funny than anything.
  7. This is like an apple rumor... EX: "the new iPhone will have an 8 inch screen" "the new iPod will have a retractable ice scraper" "the new Macbook will not have a keyboard, it will just be one big touchscreen" "the new imac will have a terabyte flash drive" ... you guys get the idea
  8. That won't happen. That would be beyond stupid
  9. I liked Episode 3!
  10. Oh.. Cary on then.
  11. No parallel to Star Trek should be in this thread... Sorry guys, you may as well compare the Star Wars brand to Twilight. The offering to the viewer is just so different.
  12. This is awesome
  13. I saw skyfall, three way tie for best villan: This guy, Nurse Ratchet, and Ledger's Joker
  14. Clean break in that if you have not seen the other two you won't be lost, but it fits into a timeline... The other films could be watched in any order whereas this one does come after Quantum.
  15. Couldn't be worse than the original. Maybe instead of attempting to copy black cinema, they just get their own idea and make it a truly mexican thing, then it will be good. I always thought the Mariachi series was good. Maybe it will go in that direction.
  16. A close second to Casino. It is a direct sequel to the other two, and sequels are by definition of lower merit. This movie really broke through some of the barriers other Bond movies never touched. There was more in it for hardcore Bond fans of all the films, but at the same time, he was definitely a human character who is just super tough.. In comparison, the Connery/Moore characters seem more silly over time.
  17. Thank you. You are correct
  18. Ah sh!t.. My brother DT is always with me. How could I have missed your post! (for everyone else's information, he actually texted me to point out my oversight)
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