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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Unless F1 cars have that too, yes. I am not really laughing at the fact that there is potentially unnecessary cooling going on. I take more issue with the effort of some (usually U.S.) auto makers adding faux vents and ducts so they can make the car look more rear-engine-ish. Some of these vents/ducts are working and to cool something that really doesn't need cooling. Its all for show, and pretty stupid. This captures my thoughts: http://autos.ca.msn.com/editors-picks/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=23546090&page=10 Through its history, the vette has not been much different. Many elements of design that do not follow function. The elements of design have a story of function that is a manufactured excuse. Why don't any front engine Ferrari cars have ducts in the rear? Don't they have brakes?
  2. Wow, LEDs in the headlights... ACTIVE air vents as opposed to fake. "beefy exhaust system." LOL. You can adjust the loudness! OMG... The conversation is hilarious. Amazing how things on this car need cooling, that faster cars don't require.
  3. Ok, good argument. I will shut up now.
  4. Oh, one more thing, they are so in love with the term Robotech, but then use: "VALKYRIE?" What the hell? If they only know about the American name of Robotech, the how do they know the word, Valkyrie? Shouldn't they use the word "Veretech?" LOL
  5. It did in the US also, until we found out that "Robotech" was a false name, and had false affiliations. Now we all call it Macross.
  6. Will someone tell them to stop calling it Robotech.
  7. Quoted to memorialize your intelligence.
  8. The irony of an M7 fan pointing fingers and making homosexual references at others... Mind-blowing.
  9. As I never agree with your taste, I am sure I will think this movie sucks. Bummer, I was sure I would like this thing.
  10. Ok I am a superfan of this disaster of a franchise, I can help sort the continuity out.First of all, this movie is not a reboot, and I can add, it was actually pretty good! That said here is the continuity breakdown: Universal Soldier - Awesome, though kinda in a 'bad 80's movie kind of way' Universal Soldier 2 - Made for TV crap, had none of original cast. Universal Soldier 3 - More Made for TV crap, had none of original cast. Universal Soldier the Return (the new Universal Soldier 2) - Bad and written by someone who didn't even watch the first one. Totally defied the base of what a Universal Soldier is. You'd think at least Van Damme would have said something. Universal Soldier Regeneration (the new NEW Universal Soldier 2) - Brought Dolph back, but was still pretty bad. AND mentioned that the soldiers were going to be cloned. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning - This is actually a sequel of Universal Soldier Regeneration, so if you wanted to call this Universal Soldier 3, you could. ------- I am still a fan, and this film (Reckoning) is actually great... Still as A7 quoted me as saying, the MOST FUKED UP FRANCHISE EVER. There has never been a reboot of the franchise, from the start but the "part 2" has been done 3 times.
  11. Nice. I think in the books, he was a sleazy/trashy character who drank too much and was good at his job through skills he was just lucky enough to have. I read a few of em when I was a kid.
  12. ...which does not necessarily mean its a good film... It just happens to be a good one. Does anyone have data on how each book did when it came out?
  13. Wow, a well thought out analysis. I thought Telly was a perfect mad man, who would hold the world at ransom for something ridiculous as totally reasonable. He was the Jack Nicholson of the past... Watch him in the Dirty Dozen, totally insane. Titles of nobility don't mean anything anymore, but back in the 60's they still did. Probably more so for a pretentious maniac. The mobster's daughter plot was one of total chauvinistic reality. The idea that his pain in the ass daughter, needs a man to smack her around (metaphorically) and make her behave is just the way some girls work. I have certainly heard of fathers telling guys that their daughter needs an authoritative man. I saw this deal with the girl to be totally realistic. The fight scenes being sped up... Yeah that sucks, but back then I think they thought it would end up looking more intense. Other movies of the time did this... I remember for sure they did it in Thunderball also. I don't think people knew about filmspeed back then, they just thought it was an intense fight. The playboy scene, and the seduction of the girls drives at what a basic "sleazy" as you put it, guy 007 was in the books. He bangs lots of girls... Thats the character. The idea that he bangs girls to save his country was trying to steer the franchise in some moral direction which has been a mistake made many times. I love how in OHMSS he is screwing girls that have no relationship to the plot whatsoever. I would.
  14. Exactly. OHMSS was the last time they tried to get back to the books, and it was epic. The Daniel Craig model is right there. My prediction is the next 007 film will be a remake/tribute to the Dr.No/Blofeld type villain, then the next one after that will be a remake of OHMSS, where Daniel Craig's 007 character will get married.
  15. Addressing some above spoiler comments: the gadgets are the weakest part of the franchise. A silly novelty for children, but we are nostalgic about them. I think they could go away permanently and we'd have a stronger franchise.
  16. OHMSS was epic man, leave your judgements behind, and just watch it as an espionage film. To me its the #1 bond film, and not like a close #1, I think its light years better than the rest. I'd like to add that I have always felt this way (which defeats your "this is some trend/conspiracy that people are all of a sudden liking this film.") I posted this same opinion on MW in the first bond thread, what was that, like 10 years ago?
  17. Actually the opposite is the case. Bullying is policed heavily in schools now and suicide amongst kids is at its highest ever. http://ontd-political.livejournal.com/8773906.html http://meta.ath0.com/2010/05/24/new-study-on-bullying/
  18. My top 4: 1 On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2 Casino Royale 3 From Russia with Love 4 Skyfall Moonraker was horrible, but you are right, for some reason not quite as bad as Die another Day. OHMS has become popular lately because before it was seen as the movie that "connery was not in, and should have been." Now that Connery is sharing the throne of the best Bond of all time, people are looking at the film dispassionately and they realize that its really one of the best ones.
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