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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I think we all thought the same till we watched in in stop motion. First time I saw DYRL it was a horribly dubbed and HORRIBLY edited version on VHS tape. I wondered the same thing.
  2. If you watch DYRL in freeze frame, you can see other Meltrandi ships that are the same as the Macross.
  3. The thread is about Star Wars movies upcoming, not about Han Solo. What is the best source for actual accurate news? Everything I read starts off like news, then I realize its just fan speculation halfway in.
  4. Hold up.. I never said Basara was gay. I just said that guy at the gay pride parade looked like Basara, dressed like Basara, and was leading over a railing being annoying and in your face, like Basara. I may have created some controversy around M7 since it came out and I do feel I speak for the older Macross fans who are all like WTF, when they watch it. Also, you guys said mods do noting around here!? I was banned for 2.5 YEARS for all the trouble I caused! (there was actually a ton of sh!t I did like having an animated gif avatar with 50 frames and one of the frames showed the male genitals shot from fight club). I have had a ton of fun here and made some good friends, but I had to know the limits before Graham let me back in. In my exile I have matured, and I feel I can still make fun of M7 (the same way I make fun of Hikaru making his flight suit seal to his helmet with a scarf), but not with the ferocity of before. I am not going to kick dirt in anyone's face over liking M7.
  5. Yeah, I watched Frontier, and yeah I noticed the cross dressing... I was mildly disappointed with the whole show but the characters were better. I mean Alto was not a pussy at all. Any guy can wear a dress as a costume and get laughs out of it (or use it as a disguise) but that doesn't mean you need to be an annoying broker of weakness and helplessness. Thats the difference between Frontier and M7.
  6. HAHA: 1. M7 will never cease to offend us 2. You have to give it to me... The guy does look like and act like Basara.
  7. Basara at the NYC Gay Pride parade:
  8. I realized it, but I am glad you brought it up. I don't think we have ever had a thread about it.
  9. Wait... The movie is NOT called "Operation Bodymassage!!??" 1. Confusing thread title 2. What a letdown... I thought finally somebody had started to run with the idea of putting together clips from the show and dubbing them like the PSA's... Dammit.
  10. I think this is what he is talking about. Zero to do with Robotech, in this universe there are no RT Masters and there is no magic plant called Protoculture. Familiar?
  11. Im on ep 15 season 5... I can't stand this droid series. That tiny guy that commands them is the new Jar Jar.
  12. I like the DYRL version of the story where the Protoculture are thousands of years dead and the only two opposing forces are their mindless slaves being the Zentradi and Meltrandi.
  13. I really hope they take the kiddie crap out of SW. The last few episodes if the Clone Wars have been unbearable.
  14. WOAH!! My story is SO similar. I went nuts the first time I saw the book. I had no idea there was a movie at that point.
  15. Because of the symbolism and subtext... Like I said earlier, if there were a show that used the swastika as the symbol for a sports team (for example), there would certainly be some eyebrows raised. I don't want to insult anyone who likes this, but I am shocked that there are male adults that would be interested in this. I suppose its like the adult baby thing, I don't really understand that either. Is it like the same thing? Just a fun regression? Bronie = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilic_infantilism (minus the sexual stuff of course) If I am way off base, someone link me to an introduction episode.
  16. I love the discussion in the Autoweek video about the "Stingray" badge... Like "uh oh... This car is soooooo badass, we need to bust out the double-dog-dare sticker." Posers nationwide will be rubbing themselves to this.
  17. I have something nice to say! If I ever have a daughter, when she is between 4 and 7 she can watch this show! See what a positive motherfuker I am.
  18. ... and they will never recognize the word "Valkyrie" or ANY of the designs, so no confusion there.
  19. Come on... Swastika = White Supremacy. It is a well known symbol for specifically that. Rainbow = Gay. Another well known symbol. If in frolicking pony world there is some other meaning to rainbows, its probably some indoctrination of accepting alternative lifestyles to the children.
  20. HAHAHAHA. Thats awesome.
  21. Is that like a military gay pony? Is there a message here!?
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