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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. I liked the second... Franchises can right themselves after a bad film. Look at how Rocky ended. Rocky 5 was horrible, but 6 was epic.
  2. Watched your version twice this weekend.
  3. I finished when they landed on a planet. Maybe it was the series end, but weren't there a few movies?
  4. I should add that Frontier isn't half bad. If you like 1-4, then you will probably like Frontier. I should add though, I never finished Frontier, maybe it got better towards the end, maybe worse.
  5. Wow, I was considering doing something similar. Glad I didn't.
  6. To me, there are only 4 works of Macross: 1. SDFM the show 2. DYRL the movie 3. Flashback 2012 a short music video 4. Macross Zero could have been 10x better with some small details changed Macross Plus and Macross 2 are kinda cool but I don't really see them as "Macross." To me, there is not Macross 7
  7. They were cloned to fight, not to think independantly. Thinking independently would get them wondering if they should be fighting. The creators wanted them to behave in an orderly way. Lots if unintentional fan-fiction conjecture in this thread.
  8. Not sure about Ford. His character was a dashing, charming, action hero... He is a little too old to be that. How did he seem in the last Indy? Different character but still. He really can't pull that off anymore.
  9. I didn't rip it to take anything away from you man! I ripped it because I love your efforts. I would pay you to do this if you weren't already doing this for free. Hell I may pay you anyway. What you did is epic.
  10. That doesn't protect it man, I just ripped if off of Youtube at 780p. I just wanted a higher quality version. I love this dub. Are you final final with it? You really should turn the sound effects and music up to match the voice track. the voices are really too loud. Other than that, you probably could add the beginning from the PS1 game.
  11. Where can I get this? Is watching it on Youtube as good as it gets?
  12. The jokes about this film are better than the film itself.
  13. Clash of the Bionoids was a dubbed AND edited version of DYLR. There is a non edited version of the dub, and yes its bad. When Roy dies in front of Hikaru, Hikaru yells, "Minmay!" which makes no sense. The sloppy script writer got the word "Senpai" mixed up with Minmay's name. The dub is junk.
  14. Locked!? Would we lock a thread about Captain America. I could call Captain America jingoist also. This isn't political guys. China is growing and is a proud nation. Lets be happy for their people and their comics.
  15. In the final fight, there are so many on screen, it get a bit abstract trying to decipher what is what. I always thought there were a few that looked to be the same class as the Macross was. Also, here is another image:
  16. Thank you
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