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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. That video just sold me on this movie. Totally awesome. I don't care how bad the plot is, this will be a fun film to watch.
  2. Was the show really going anywhere? I feel like it was visually beautiful, and fun but there wasn't much of a progressive story... I would say the ONE episode that has implication to the larger picture was the episode where Anikin tortured a prisoner to get information out of him, then lied to ObiWan about it.
  3. She is probably just some board member's girlfriend. Every ex of mine is a Macross fan.
  4. Loved the last episode. Not sure how they will tie up the maul plotline.
  5. I remember when I ran over that dead animal and almost flew off the road. So yes, you have to watch where you stick your tires when you drive a small sports car like that.
  6. I had Hot Head Harvey
  7. M7 fans are very serious about their affection for the show. The board kind of has a double standard. Someone can be obnoxious in defense of M7, but if you are obnoxious in insulting the show, then you are a troll. I'm with you man. To me, I find M7 being affiliated with my favorite film of all time (DYRL) to be degrading and shameful. I was in Tokyo last week though. People really hadn't heard of M7. They all knew DYRL though.
  8. If you decide to watch 7, make sure to make your opinion crystal clear to the entire board.
  9. For me, the only real Macross is SDFM the TV show, and DYRL along with Flashback (a music video which is a tighter conclusion to either the TV show, or movie: (its only 5 min) The rest of the stuff rates on a scale of decent to total crap.
  10. You are in for a serious treat with DYRL. It is one of the best films ever made.
  11. Wow, thats pretty bad. Here is another stupid one. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/jackal/ That movie was totally entertaining.
  12. Rotten tomatoes sucks hard. Example: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1198524-ninja_assassin/ This movie was maximum turbo awesome.
  13. Wow, he didn't even do a good job of posting it. The Zentradi subs stay on the screen constantly through the first 4 min of the film after the Exodol Vert conversation.
  14. If someone is ripping you off, they should be banned at least. Probably as far as it can go here. I don't think its the worst thing though if someone wants a copy of what you did. Think of me getting it off youtube. I just did it so I can have it on my iPad to watch on planes. Why don't you do a higher quality version torrent? Ultimately if there is a torrent out there, nobody is going to make a DVD out of it.
  15. He could just stitch the PSX intro and the crash from the TV show, then just put create a torrent. Kinda sad to do all that work, then not have anyone be able to enjoy it.
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