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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. The oposite is what bothered me about Christopher Reeve. The guy is strong, he should look it. He never looked skinny in the comic. In fact he looks like a bodybuilder in the comic and pretty much always has: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/72/Superman.jpg/250px-Superman.jpg This one really shows my point: http://www.supermaninthebronzeage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Episode-74.jpg
  2. I had exactly the same experience: Fortunately my Mom figured out that RT was the fugazi show and she found me actual Macross stuff.
  3. Macross7 fans didn't seem to mind the Space Whales, Space Tenticle-sex Monsters, and the Pink Penis squadron... REALLY
  4. As a guy who knows something about this subject I have to say its a pretty good video. There are better ways to train, but this will get someone 90% there.
  5. For a second I thought I was watching the trailer to Pitch Black. Still I don't care, it will be fun.
  6. Do we really read Rotten Tomatoes? RT has steered me wrong hundreds of time. I read Macross World. It only steered me wrong one time. I think more and more people are looking to peer groups to review instead of "experts." Think of consumer electronics... People used to care about Cnet. I remembering watching an iPad review on Cnet when it first came out. The reviewer did a number of things wrong showing that they didn't play with the thing even for 5 min before shooting the video (I mean seriously, how can you screw up using an ipad?). These people are not fans, they just produce reviews thinking that people will watch anything they say. Now its all about user feedback from 20 different places. That was my only small gripe... The punching guys through buildings went on WAY too long.
  7. I will watch it. I would not if Gerard Butler were in it. That guy should not ever be in film. He is so annoying to watch.
  8. I wouldn't attempt to find reason or logic in the squadron assignments compared with the paint schemes in the TV show. There was little attention to detail in the show.
  9. Loved it! I didn't read a word about it before seeing so I had no idea I was watching a remake of the Wrath of Kahn.
  10. Wow, feels way more Pitch Black than Chronicles. Didn't he become like "king of the Universe" at the end of Chronicles? If so, why run from bounty hunters?
  11. Its not just a matter of uncut... There is also a clip that comes before the film that was made years later and featured in a video game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0P5e3Qt2lM Then there is the final- final finish of the film, which was also made years later. This clip is called 2012 Flashback: I have two versions of the film, one dubbed in English, and one subtitled. I had to stitch the clips together myself to have the "final" versions of the film. I am not sure which DVD is the unedited version.
  12. This
  13. There is a "next?" Eh. I want another Rambo.. Not another one of these.
  14. God I hate the idea of the good name of DYRL being affiliated with (a movie within) M7... When seeing this, there was steam coming out of my ears. This was Kawamori's ultimate sin. To me, this was worse than ANYTHING Lucas did to star wars.
  15. American Sports car design model: Vents to cool the breaks (eyeroll: not even necessary on cars with triple the performance) Faux hood vents Faux fender vents Faux tail pipes (usually only 2 are required the other two are just there to create an illusion of badass) Faux good looking engine (see quoted post) Faux sports car
  16. Instead of kicking poor Hornet, I'd like to change the subject: I got down to 6% bodyfat in the past month... My abs have never looked better.
  17. This is exactly the kind of Kornball-over-the-top action I love. This was what I wanted from the Expendables 2, which was terrible.
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