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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. From wikipedia: Kickstarter was designed to help new ventures, and unexposed artists get funding for their projects. I am shocked that there is not some caveat that dictates that a long running business can't jump in and use it. It just seems completely tacky, rude, and inappropriate. It would be like me (see avatar) signing up for youth boxing.
  2. No man, more like having Uwe Boll direct the next Star Wars movie.
  3. How about that rolling tape clip!??? Its like they are sitting at the HG office and laughing at how bad they can make something and still have people line up and buy it.
  4. Their last product was a movie made out of re-dubbed clips from Mospeda, with 5 min of new animation... They actually charged money for this. How could anyone trust this company? These guys are grifters, with a mindless fan following. I will turn on any entertainment company that tarnishes a good brand with garbage (edit in: not that RT was EVER a good brand, but some of you would say it was), I don't understand how RT has a single fan anymore.
  5. Absolutely! I love that car. If I ever have room for a toy/spare car, that is a candidate.
  6. WOW, I forgot all about this. Thanks for digging the thread up.
  7. Guys, cite the film or show... Half of these pictures I do not recognize.
  8. I didn't think an opinion could be wrong, until I read yours. jk. Yeah, I have to look past a whole lot to like it. I didn't see the creators power as magic, just a higher level of technology than we have. Not much different than the hidden city in DYRL. Saw this as the same group of people.
  9. Nice, we both DYRL first. Its really one of my favorite films of all time. Did all those guys who bash Zero quit this board? I remember when it was out, people were crazy at throwing it under the bus.
  10. I liked Frontier. But I also liked Zero, and I seem to be the only one.
  11. Do we all agree that we are super excited about another Macross show!?
  12. Uh, you guys are just arguing for the sake of arguing.
  13. ... And its so famous. Thats why we have all heard of it. I think I win.
  14. destroids will be forever supporting cast. Not as interesting as flying stuff. That would be like a military movie about supply truck drivers.
  15. You are the first one to suggest that the show was for a female audience. That would make a ton of sense. I love Japan! I was actually just at Osaka university meeting with some researchers. I will be back in the next 6 months and will PM you for that drink!
  16. Its no Golgo 13
  17. Do we need to love other anime?
  18. Actually I have been posting here for over 10 years and on the yahoo interest group before Sean and Graham even started this site. Many of those threads do not exist anymore. Also, most of my discussion in the last 4 years has been in the OTHER section. There hasn't been much to say about Macross lately, but I have so many friends here, I like discussing Star Wars, and other things with my friends. Also, I like seeing what other forms the M7 fans like. Strangely enough, we seem to like the same stuff.
  19. This IS a fan site. I would think narrow views of what one likes is a good thing to stimulate discussion. If we all agreed there would be no point in having a forum.
  20. Wrong. There was no accusation with my descriptors or negative connotation. Did I say there was something wrong with highly emotional effeminate males? If I have a Mexican friend, and I describe him as Mexican, am I insulting him? Am I being a biggot? No. I am making a factual statement.
  21. Those are some pretty strong insults. No evidence to back up your statements and not called for. Right. I miss the cold war. I miss people telling me that I was going to be shot at and living in a series of bunkers after a nuclear winter. Made kids tough.
  22. I will actually give M7 some credit here. It was a disappointment to the fans of the original. M7 fit the times for the younger generation of highly emotional effeminate males. It did bring some fans into the franchise with its different reach (very similar to Star Wars episode 1) but still only had 10% of the audience that SDFM did (someone posted the viewer numbers once).
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