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Everything posted by cokefiend

  1. Hey, since I love this kit so much and cant find a copy anywhere Id be more than happy to get a quality recast. Count me in for one.
  2. Jade, may I suggest you post these photos over at StarshipModeler as well? They need more mech photos in their gallery. I'll be posting mine just as soon as I can decide on a paint scheme.
  3. Sorry, dont have a link right now but I was wondering if this is a well known kit or just someones scratchbuild attempt. Look up destroid in the ebay search, you can miss it.
  4. Every time I look for Destroids I only find them in 1/100 scale. Can anyone point me to the 1/72 variety?
  5. Are there already destroids in 1/72? I've never seen them.
  6. I had so many PMs saved and never thought that something could happen to lose them. Well, at least I knew who I was talking to.
  7. cokefiend

    1/72 VF-4

    LTSO !!! I'll take it. email me at scott.murphy@sympatico.ca
  8. cokefiend

    1/72 VF-4

    Aw man. I found a VF-4 at Monsters in Motion a month ago for 50 buck or so and ordered it on the spot. Thought I found a great deal. It came in the mail a few days ago and was shocked to find an obvious recast. Barely any detail, no panel lines, horribly useless vac- formed canopy. I cant do anything with it. Money down the drain. How is this one? Looks so much better in the photos
  9. cokefiend


    BERTTT: paper model of a Monster?! Where? I'd love to tackle one.
  10. Hey guys, I live over in the "shwaw" but Id make the drive to hook up and talk shop. Anything in the works?
  11. So is Mr.Surfacer a primer or a seam filler? If its a primer can it be sprayed with an airbrush without thinning?
  12. AHHHHAGGGGG! Its so beautiful!!. Where do I get one?
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