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Everything posted by cokefiend

  1. Great price! Id love one!
  2. Nope, not the same guy. And everything Ive ordered from Thor has been printed and sent to me within 10 days.
  3. Do you want a few? have a look here. http://wingnutscockpit.blogspot.ca/2014/04/the-hammer-of-thor.html Thor has been 3d printing large scale Battletech kits and he of course has printed the Destroids, which were "borrowed" by FASA for the first run of BT. They are 1/60 by BT standards but 1/48 in Macross relations. Fully poseable and printed in abs plastic so its very lightweight. Drop him a line cause Im not sure what he charges for these at the moment. Thor Burgemeister
  4. please tell me where to send my money.
  5. Holy crap Id love a set in 1/60! How do I order?
  6. The blue version is how I painted my Moscato: I guess Im going to have to pick up these new wave kits eventually.
  7. Thanx guys, Im looking forward to the Phalanx too. Hopefully we will see a Spartan one day.
  8. Hi guys, I was wondering if there has ever been a 1/60 or 1/48 scale Destroid Spartan? Ive seen the Tomahawk and Defender but that seems to be it for Destroid love.
  9. Agreed! Stay away from the Monsters in Motion piece of crap!
  10. I would have loved to pick one up but the wife would kill me if I spent that much all at once. Maybe if you took layaway..... oh well, too late now.
  11. Nope sorry, as much as I love Macross there are those here with way more talent than I.
  12. I wonder how much it would cost to have one printed up at 8 inches tall?
  13. I have to say count me in for 1 of the larger kits. I cant pass it up, its too beautiful.
  14. cokefiend

    DYRL SDF-1

    Y'know, I had almost forgotten I had that kit at all. I havnt touched it in years. I got about 3/4 of the way thru the assembly but put it aside as I got distracted with something else. I should get back to it. Wasnt there some talk a while back about someone mastering one in 1/2500? Id pay good money for that!
  15. Very nice! It will be cool to print this up and add to it what ever I want. Thanx for doing this.
  16. Im good for a set. PM me when its ready?
  17. I like what you've done with the rotor blades, I dont like the ones from the kit either. Ive been taking awhile with mine mainly because off the whole tail section. I must have gotten a bad cast because the resin is so soft its almost like playdoh. It would sag after awhile and I would hot water it back to alignment and a few weeks later do it all again. I finally decided to cut the tail off along the panel line and then drill deep into both ends. This way I was able insert a 2 inch brass rod in there and glue both sections back together. It doesnt sag now. Thanx to your idea with the rotors I know where to go now. I'll be posting some photos soon.
  18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cokefiend/227...57600785696590/ Here's mine, not much to say except it needs a better photo.
  19. That looks great!
  20. Got my figures today, as with the SW ones, the sculpts are perfection. How do you work this small? I'm going crosseyed looking at them. But at least my planes now have people sitting at the controls.
  21. Well I admit the 2 ideas that have been floating in my head were the dirty grey like that Cobra or a desert colour scheme. But now Im liking the Airwolf colours. Hmmm too many options.
  22. Got mine last friday and couldnt keep hands off it. The pour stubs gave me the usual headaches but its all assembled and waiting primer. Im not sure what final colours to use though, any ideas guys?
  23. Same here
  24. I still have that piece of crap sitting in a box. I keep thinking maybe one day I can do something useful with that lump....
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