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Everything posted by stillAkid

  1. The super part slot at the leg. One of them was glued(with trace of super glue). So i have to slot my flat screw driver in. I have no idea why they use glue there and dropped it accidentally(i assume)
  2. angolz.
  3. oh, opened up my vf-17s. bought vf-17s from angolz and super pack from hkc. total about usd270 including shipping. feels heavy, solid. -gun side handle has glue stain, became whitish. -unable to open the cockpit( lift up and open). after 1 hour, i pulled the whole cockpit door and ejection seat out. the plastic rail is so rough, thats why i cant lift it up and open it. -tried to transform. but the piece right behind the cockpit ( has 2 guns ) unable to lift up ( again, the darn plastic rail is like so darn rough/tight) , i hurt some pointy edge when i brushed them against themselves. did not manage to transform to battleroid( purpose is to open the cockpit anyway) managed to open the cockpit one time, before the ejection seat ejected. -super part slots got glued, need to pry it open( took me 30 mins) and the part surface was visually....damaged, but, anyway, managed to get the super part in. conclusion? should have bought the vf-29 (30th anniversary ) with the same money,sigh. anyway, seems like i have just found my next target then. the whole drama above took me at least 2 hours of my sunday, darn.
  4. my vf-17s that did not come with a sticker? the cockpit was never successfully lifted. i ended up pulling the whole cockpit and ejection seat out. the right leg hole for super part was glued ( saw some shiny residue) now i'm trying to pry it off, other wise my 50USD super part is useless. the super part for left wing top can hardly fit. sigh. should have get other toys.
  5. I would yamato toy first. Yamato is gone. Bandai will always be there
  6. My vf17s from angolz doesnt have the bigwest sticker. And the gun pop out handle has glue stain. Other than that im not sure becauae i havent transform it. But my vf17s super pack and vf11b from hkc has bigwest sticker
  7. I think arcadia needs to release some vf1 super/strike part fast . Its like so rare in the market. And i wonder why japanese company just dont release some news to their fans? They seems like dont communicate to their customer as much.
  8. Just now my vf-17s today. Wow it is so heavy compared to my new vf-11b. Im not sure if it can be placed on my new flightpose stand too. Gonna try it tomorrow. Oh. Its so lovely. And vf11b is so beautiful!
  9. can anyone compare 1/72 and 1/60? if the size is good, it should be a good seller for bandai
  10. i see that you have a flight pose. flightpose better or yamato mighty block #1 ? if flight pose, which 2 size will u recommend? 2.5 + 4 ?
  11. means its better to buy yamato might block #1??
  12. just a quick question. should i get 2 yamato might block #1 at usd40 or 2 flightpose at usd50? ( including shipping from my local seller) if i were to get flightpose, what length should i go? 2.5+4? or 4+6?
  13. vf-17 vs vf-19?? what do you guys think? ( ok, i bought both last week, havent ship out yet though) 19P looks good. too bad its like twice the price of 19S. so i'm gonna tell myself, looking like Blue Angel acrobatic team arent so bad after all! Vf-11C is very handsome too!! ( any white valk is handsome)
  14. thanks to this thread, i cancelled the 3 bandai stand i bought. lucky!
  15. its funny , i think we enjoy the high price of such toys ^^ when you always need to think twice before clicking the "Buy" button.
  16. stillAkid


    oh man, after i get the vf-11b, i found that vf-11c is very very awesome( the white color). putting it side by side with vf-1s should be awesomest!! T.T
  17. ya i got panic and bought 3 last week. i hope my wife wont find out about this. before this i only have a vf-1s (even without Strike pack)
  18. actually i prefer the 19 in white, or yf-19, but yf-19 is too expensive. btw, i saw in some random news, whole crew of yamato has been transferred to arcadia,so there is hope for future toys release. so i hope we will have more choice, other than bandai.
  19. hi jenius, love your awesome blog. so, in your opinion, which is the best yamato macross toy that you think is the best? ok, maybe make it top 3 list? i would prefer vf-11 over vf-19, the vf-11 looks similar to vf-1 in some way. but every one is giving vf-19 a good comment, including jenius's blog, so, i just bought it online 30 mins ago. oh well, yamato is history now, its now or never.
  20. i guess this flightpose must be heavy, the shipping price is 3 times higher than the item price.....oh well...
  21. wow, thanks for your detail explanation i thought the older version ( more expensive) and the reissued version ( cheaper ) has something different, but from photo and the internet source, they seems to be the same. seems like they are very honest in their pricing, i think normally ppl would expect they just price it the same ( price it higher among the two)
  22. VF-19改 ya, that "kai" japanese words is revise/correction/changes cannot accept vf-19kai red color @.@. so, ok, i'm gonna bite the bullet and get the vf-19s now. man i hate forums!! especially macross forums. the money i spent this month for this macross thingy can get me a medium range ipad!! ( which can only last 2 years anyway ) ^^
  23. kai= correction = revise and so on btw, still toying with the idea of getting vf-19s or yf-29.....love 29 roy focker scheme, but the review in the net saying 19s is like some engineering marvel. and its from yamato......now i'm not sure.
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