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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. I think my favorite show of this season is Isekai Shokudou. Followed by Princess Principal. Finished AIR last night and boy that was so sad and left me in tears.
  2. Finished Angel Beats, I did not find it that sad I was more shocked the revelation at the end. Watching Air and I am finding it very sad and it has reduced me to tears many times. I needed something funny to watch so I picked Little Witch Academia and it is fitting the bill well.
  3. Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato is the movie with Hijikata as Yamato Captain.
  4. That is strange that Hijikata is the Captain of Yamato not Andromeda. I guess they are following the movie not Yamato 2.
  5. Watched ep 10 and will finish it soon. Watching Toaru Majutsu no Index II and also reading the Light Novel, wow there is enough for at least 2 more seasons. Then onto Air and Yamato 3.
  6. Watched up to 10 in Angel Beats and I am wondering where the sad is I haven't shed a tear at all.
  7. Awesome piece from a awesome movie.
  8. Started Angel Beats and I am liking it I only watched the 1st 2 episodes.
  9. For some reason that headsculpt really annoys me. Just saw Arizona on Yamato 3 and I showed my Dad he thought it was amusing. I really hope the ship shows up sometime.
  10. Watched the Infinite Stratos 2 World Purge-hen and it proved one thing to me that Houki is the only sane one in the bunch. That is why I hate harem animes that really has no plausible way for a harem to occur. Maybe that is why High School Dxd and To Love-Ru are my favorites.
  11. I screamed noooo at :50 Yamato blew up
  12. This show has wrecked me emotionally and the music sets me off every time.
  13. I am enjoying Princess Principal and Knight's and Magic, they are really good shows.
  14. Robotech.com is back up I saw this and it made me cringe. https://robotech.com/news/robotech-comic-reviews-are-in
  15. Wow, those covers make me ill, I wish I could unsee that I will have nightmares tonight.
  16. Watched episode 16 of Clannad After Story and boy are my eyes red. 17 Hours later and I still cry just thinking about what happened. I have never felt this bad after watching an anime and that includes the last episode of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.
  17. Just came to my house, can't wait to see it again.
  18. Started Clannad after finishing Kanon, I do not think my heart can take anymore sadness.
  19. I am loving Tsuki ga Kirei what a great show.
  20. Yamato 2202 and Danmachi Gaiden I was always a sucker for Ais.
  21. That God Phoenix looks great, I would love to get one.
  22. Watching Spice and Wolf and I like where it is going.
  23. It has been awhile since I saw such a good movie. I usually go for Marvel Films and Star Wars so seeing this was a breath of fresh air for me.
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