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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. watching Haganai NEXT and it is great. Watch Ep 15 of Clannad After Story and I am afraid of continuing knowing what will happen. Watching the series again is not easier on my emotions.
  2. I really like Mahoutsukai no Yome it is a great show.
  3. Finished the last episode of Love Live Sunshine that sure was very sad I was in tears multiple times. I really hope we get more.
  4. Very funny. I am impressed how Kodaka handled the situation in the end very mature. Maria constantly reminds of the Index from Toaru Majutsu no Index I guess the sharing of seiyuu and love of food make then very similar.
  5. Watched haganai episode 9 and I am in love with Sena.
  6. Haganai, is much more fun than I thought it would be and i am looking forward to more.
  7. I really did not like this movie that much and a OT fan leaves mean wondering. That all the progress of the Rebellion in 4,5 and 6 has basically been wiped out in the last 2 movies and the First Order (Empire) is back.
  8. Last night I finally watched Your Name in English and the dub was not that bad. I still prefer the Japanese version with subs. Clannad sure sets me off pretty fast.
  9. Finished Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars nova and it was great.
  10. I finished Shakugan no Shana season 1 and this show is awesome loved every minute of it. I am on to season 2, I thought I would need a break after it finished. I just want to see what happens next. My Clannad and After Story complete collection just arrived
  11. Watching Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars nova and it is a very good show. Acchi Kocchi is so funny it leaves me laughing.
  12. Wow, that was great. Good to see more of Dessler.
  13. Finished Transformers Micron Densetsu and I enjoyed more than the dub that was Armada.
  14. Started Amagami SS Plus yesterday and it more of the same which I am happy about. Ayatsuji and the bath scene was hilarious.
  15. Finishing Amagami SS and i am enjoying the format. The only thing that really bothers me is how every time Kaoru speaks all I see is Misaka Mikoto. They share the same seiyuu.
  16. I just finished watching episode 2 and it is looking good. The dub is pretty good and sticks close to the original. When they fire at the Planet Bomb Okita says "Open Fire Full Bore". The Gamilans are using the same language, which is double subbed in Japanese and English.
  17. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-11-14/amanchu-manga-by-aria-amano-gets-2nd-tv-anime-season-next-april/.124010 Heck Yeah more "Upyo" and weird faces . Count me in.
  18. We can only hope. Finished the dub now and it is much better than I thought and it the translation is almost word for word. Including Okita's message to Earth. The voice acting is better than I thought. The video says Star Blazers 2199 nowhere just Yamato 2199.
  19. Watching Transformers Micron Densetsu it seems better to me than Armada.
  20. Clannad and Kanon anime music.
  21. Finished Chuunibyou Ren and I am going to me Rikka and her craziness.
  22. I am watching My Bride is a Mermaid and it is great, I am enjoying the craziness. 2018 is looking great for me between: Full Metal Panic IV High School DxD Hero which is LN 9 and 10 according to the author, so that is great. Toaru Majutsu no Index III Sword Art Onliine.
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