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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. I watched the Air movie and wow, when Misuzu 1st appeared and when Aozora started playing near the end I completely lost it.
  2. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is the funniest thing I have seen in awhile the reference to other animes and Kamen Rider is great. Episode 6 of Haiyore! W made me so sad I felt so bad for Nyaruko.
  3. I do not need anything fancy I do not game so much anymore. That is probably because my computer is to old to run anything new. I just want the space for multiple windows. I might settle on 1440p so a 1070ti would work.
  4. It made my decision harder. My 6 year old screen will not last forever and I was hoping to run 4k by then, but no way I will pay that much for a video card. Maybe the 1080ti is now a choice.
  5. I have been listening to Kawada Mami lately.
  6. I am Haiyore! Nyaruko-san it is pretty funny. Hataraku Saibou is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
  7. I should have used a guide when I started so I do not have to repeat to much On a side not I finished Kimi ni Todoke Season 1 last night and it was a fun ending on to season 2.
  8. I am not playing in a order I started with the Nagisa route and now I am playing Yukine. I have been playing Grisaia no Kajitsu vn lately. Amane is just to fun.
  9. That is pretty funny. I am playing the PC version currently.
  10. I finished usagi drop and I was satisfied.
  11. Grand Blue is a great show I thought it was so stupid and 1st and I was going to drop it.
  12. I am watching Usagi Drop and Rin is such a great character.
  13. 1st in my lock screen second is my home screen
  14. I was reading Imouto Sae Ireba Ii light novel english version and I got to the part of episode 7 of the anime when they are playing the table top RPG. Haruto asks them what powers they want in the anime Miyako says shoot coins really fast and Chihiro says to negate powers. To my suprise in the book it says A certain magical index. Miyako wants Misaka Mikoto's railgun and it says her name. Chihiro asks for Imagine Breaker but no mention of Touma by name. This is after multiple mentions of Haganai, Gundam and Oreimo.
  15. I am not feeling this seasons shows there is nothing I am watching that makes want to watch it the instant it comes out. Unlike last season. I am just biding my time this season until Index III.
  16. I just finished Isshuukan Friends and it is such a beautiful story.
  17. Headmasters is a G1 Japan only sequel, rebirth did not happen in Japan. Then was Masterforce and then Victory, which ended G1 (unless your count Zone).
  18. I started Isshuukan friends thinking I was just going to watch 2 or 3 episodes and I got through 8 and it is great.
  19. Very funny haha. I'll give your 3 guesses who my waifu is. I finished Grisaia no Rakuen and thought it was very good show.
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