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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. Wow Accel World got much better. 3d kanojo real girls is sure good, I am enjoying it.
  2. I really am enjoying DATE A LIVE III the last episode was great. I like Kurumi the most.
  3. I did not expect that to happen to Ito in 3d Kanojo Real Girl 22, way to man up.
  4. I started Gundam X and it is different. it is the last Gundam series I have not seen. I want to build a gx-9900 model now.
  5. If they follow the Light novel closely DATE A LIVE III is going to get even crazier.
  6. Wow Index III and Date a Live III have been great lately. Nice to see Misaka 10777 again. Kurumi is back and as cute as ever.
  7. What are some good master grade gundams I could build, I am looking to get one. I build a Freedom already. Where is a good place to buy them from.
  8. I agree, I usually love Tatsunoko stuff. I also watched it because Satou Rina is in it and if it is not evident I am a huge fan of hers.
  9. I am really wondering why I am watching Egao no Daika it is terrible. I will probably drop it,
  10. Tate no Yuusha is still my favorite new show of the season. Filo and Raphtalia are great characters.
  11. Kakuma Ai is doing a great job as Misaka Worst in Toaru Majutsu no Index III she is creepy and cute at the same time. She also sound like Satou Rina who voices Misaka.
  12. Shinryaku! Ika Musume is the funniest thing ever I am already finishing season 1 tonight. I wish Gorou would say Nagisa once. Maybe he shouldn't I might start crying.
  13. Index III episode 18 was great. I was very happy when Misaka Worst showed up. I liked her voice for the 3 second it was used. Voiced by one of my favorite seiyuus Kakuma AI. I would have thought that Satou Rina was voicing her.
  14. The Light Novel is really ecchi. There is a second manga called Shinmai Maou no Testament Storm at the and it is ecchi overdrive, on level with the Novels.
  15. I thought it was less ecchi than the anime. Until the last chapter where it goes overboard with the love.
  16. I started Shinmai Maou no Testament and it is a lot safer than the anime.
  17. The backpacks are getting crazy. I will stick with my MP-21G as a MP Bumblebee. Now I am glad I got him I wasn't going to but $39 shipped change my mind.
  18. I started Shinryaku Ika Musume last night and it is so funny. I hear Gorou talk and in one second, I said oh great another anime with Nakamura Yuuichi in it. Which is a good thing.
  19. I finished Madan no ou to Vanadis last night and I thought it was really good. It definitely needs a 2nd season. Some of the war maidens barely appear.
  20. I decided to watch No game no life again.
  21. I finished Revisions and it was a very good ending the show was great in the end.
  22. I started Madan no Ou to Vanadis and it is so good I love Elen and the story is very interesting.
  23. That is so true. I read the Light Novels 1st, and it is just living up to my expectations. Raphtalia waifu of the season.
  24. I am watching Revisions and it seems to be getting better. The art style is different.
  25. RELife is just such a great story Domestic na Kanojo I like it. I t is getting better as I go along.
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