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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. So my fripSide addiction does have its uses. Now to today's song.
  2. I am planning to read the light novels eventually.
  3. That look like a fine update for nitro convoy. Too bad about the force chip.
  4. Honzuki no Gekokujou has been good this season. It is amazing how Myne can make so many adults panic.
  5. Love after world domination had just the best episode on Friday. Desumi at the beach. Fudos' reaction to Desumi was priceless. Everything bad that happen to Gelato is Desumis' doing even if she did nothing.
  6. Yes, finally my favorite Star Trek is back.
  7. I am watching the subbed version. I haven't gotten up to that yet. But the pun does make sense. I remember that suzu is a bell from Hataraku Maou sama.
  8. I started Seitokai Yakuindomo and it is hilarious .
  9. Love and World Domination is just a laugh riot. I can't wait for Friday.
  10. It was dark. But I found the Ayu and Nayuki singing the Kanon theme song funny.
  11. This week Kaginado was hilarious. Akio and Sanae are just as goofy as ever.
  12. Love after World domination was again great this week. My favorite show of the season.
  13. Too much Railgun on the brain.
  14. I hope they do not screw up Futuruma. Orville also has impressed me.
  15. This show is just so good. I am glad I decided to watch it. I am more interested in the relationship of Kazama and Sakurai.
  16. Wow, I guess I will not watch this show. I didn't like s1 at all so I seems S2 is even worse. Wake me up when I decent Trek is made.
  17. I have been watching Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi is such a funny show.
  18. I can see what you mean about the Love after World Domination. The anime is really cutting much out.
  19. I watched The Batman last night. I really did not like it, It was so dark all the time. I just think an Island can not really exist under sea level, I can see why there are so many criminals. If I had to live in that weather all the time I would be crabby too.
  20. I now plan to read the manga, thanks. Kaginado has been better this season.
  21. I am not impressed by Megalo Convoy mk 2. I like the Galaxy Force version better. No way I would pay 200 for this.
  22. Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de has been great. I love Desumi.
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