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Hikaru Ichijo SL

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Everything posted by Hikaru Ichijo SL

  1. I saw my senpai is annoying and it was great.
  2. Tate no Yuusha was good again this week. Lots of Raphtalia.
  3. I agree 100% it is my favorite this season also. It is strange because I had no intention of watching this show. Glad i decided to.
  4. That really made me laugh and It was difficult because I was drinking hot tea at the time.
  5. I am a huge fan of this show. It is still my favorite this season. Fudo and Desumi have their organizations wrapped about their fingers.
  6. I already bought a few, but I haven't had time to read them yet.
  7. This just continues to amaze me and I haven't read the light novels yet.
  8. Love Live nijigasaki this week was so full of English.
  9. This weeks Love after world domination was great as always.
  10. Ikenai Borderline. Again Sheryl and Ranka improve the song.
  11. I prefer the Frontier version. It is hard to find a way for all the singers to sing. I am still a Reina fan. I have liked Touyama Nao for a while now.
  12. So much better with Sheryl and Ranka singing it.
  13. I was listening the Macross 40th cd and I realize the Walkure songs are better sung by Frontier girls. Just my opinion.
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