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Everything posted by 94medition

  1. Chronocidal, thank you so much for the detailed post. That is exactly where the left leg of one of my CF 171s broke. It is now permanently in fighter mode with the armored parts . The triangles are ok though. I bought two CF 171s. The second one I dare not open yet... I also have the VF-171EX. No problem at all. I hope the Luca one will be more like the EX then the CF.
  2. ChaoticYeti, the stand looks awesome! Great Work! Just wish it will have a lower price point. Hope you will be able to come up with a more generic stand for a bigger market so that the cost can be lower. For the Bandai DX, since it has the base already, it will be great if you can offer just the arm with the proper adapter. Hope things will work out. Good luck.
  3. MacrossJunkie, thank you for the detailed explanation. I have two young kids and can't afford to spend too much time on this. My airbrush and spray booth have been in my storage for years. May just experiment with spray can for now.
  4. Awesome job MacrossJunkie! Do you put a top coat after (and before?) you weather the valk? Do you do any masking beside the canopy? Do you start top coat with a particular mode then work the hidden surfaces afterward? I would really appreciate it if you can share about the entire process. Thanks!
  5. In case anyone is still interested in the RVF-25, it is available at amiami for 13,200 Yen.
  6. I did not care about Alto and 30th anniversary scheme, but this one I cannot pass up. Just ordered from NY. I might have gotten the last one since the preorder button is gray out now. I thought Tamashi Web Shop would last until the official preorder period is closed? Edited: It is weird. I logged out then now see the preorder button is back. Sorry for the false alarm.
  7. Confirmed hlj accepts order for VF-25F for Augest restock. Just placed an order. Waiting for confirmation email. Edit: Got confirmation email. 13300 Yen.
  8. hamdi, nice ride! The NSX is such a cool car. Scyla, the Yamato SDF1 helmet does have fogging issue. It is really more for display not for wearing. With it being so big and no strap, it will make you look like a bobble head doll. Renato, I am not sure whether they have license or not. Your guess is as good as mine.
  9. I have the Yamato helmet, but I still want to get this one. I actually log into my facebook account which I have not checked for months and search for Masei. I found their email (masei_helmet@hotmail.com) address and sent an email to inquire about the helmet. Here is what I got: "... Yes, I reserve one for you. They will be released after November as scheduled. We do have M L XL XXL for you. I save and keep your email already. US$189 for the first 200 units.. including shipping fee.. later, they will become US$289-339 only limited to 1000 units for 5 years. Please stay with us in facebook page for this update and share our post in facebook." I then asked about if they will have yellow/white. Their second reply: "...yes, we will have yellow/white for you.. we will email you for this on Nov.. share this information in macross forum for me!" He (I assume) attached the following pictures in the email and saying they "will change it into more suitable for riding..." (I am guessing here) The helmet in the first 2 pics looks more like the Yamato helmet. The one on the Honda bike looks more proper in scale. The biggest problem with the Yamato helmet, is It is HUGE. I am 6'3" and it is still huge for me. There is also no straps or anything to secure it when you wear it. Here's some old pics I posted before. It will be great if they can scale the helmet to make it really wearable. I hope it will turn out good.
  10. So that was the secret tip. Thanks anyway. Are there other tips circulating int PMs? Can someone please PM me as well? Thanks.
  11. Tober, can you please send me the tips? I missed out again. All those pre-order usually open very late (or early should I say) for the folks in east coast or central time zone.
  12. HF usually has a later release date (couple/few months). I don't know why. I bought some Hot Toys 12" figures and resin kits from them before. They usually come through except one time they delayed it over and over again, so I ended up cancelling the order. I hope they will come through for the RVF-25.
  13. Yeah, it is closed again.
  14. Made my reservation (pre-order)! Thanks!!! The status is showning "WAITING". Is that normal? I never bought from Otacute before. I hope they don't end up cancelling a bunch of orders if they get less than they expected...
  15. Amiami pre-order also opened for SSP and VE-1 VE-1 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail ... T-2639&page=top SSP http://www.amiami.com/top/detail ... T-2640&page=top
  16. UN Spacy, can you PM me also? Thanks!
  17. Ditto. I hope the VF-25G is the same way.
  18. Yes, hlj has it in stock. Just placed an order.
  19. I looked at all the parts again, and I think I figure out what the problem is. Comparing my sets to Loute's post in page 5, I think even though I order two sets of single (5mm), I got 1 hinge of 4mm and the second hinge is a mix of 5mm and 4mm(the ball part), making my second hinge unless. I thought Shapeways prints two pieces as a set together. Another possiblity is they did make the set correct, but messed up while packing, meaning another person's order maybe wrong (order 4mm set but get one and a half set of 4mm and one piece of 5mm).
  20. I got my order from Shapeways last week but did not have time to check it out until today. First of all, I want to thank VF5SS for making these joints. I ordered two sets of white (double), one set of white polish (double) and two set of white singles. The white polish is a little smoother than the regular. If I order more in the future, I think I will go with the polish version. The material feels very strong. It is kind of rough even for the polished version. It is a bit "chalky" out of the bag, and the hole are plugged with the chalky stuff. Just use a pin the clear the stuff. No problem. However, I do have problem with one of my single joints, the diameter for one of the hinge way bigger than the other one. I have not put it on the valk yet, but I can foresee it is likely going to be a problem. Do I contact Shapeway directly for this issue? Looks like they got the wrong dimension. Here is some pics. Package Content from left to right, single white, double white, double white polished Except Shapeways got the wrong dimension, I am very happy with these joints. I now have no worry when I play with my valks. Thanks again VF5SS!
  21. VF5SS, thank you so much for doing these hinges. Now I can transform and play with my valk without worry. I just order 2 single sets and 3 double sets from Shapeways. I notice there are color options available (white, white polish, black, red and purple). A option gray will be awesome. I order all white but 1 set for white polish to see how they are different. [Edit] You mention it can be painted with arcylics. Is priming required?
  22. I am on my 3rd (or is it 4th?) attempt. Couldn't get pass the first 4 ep before. I am now on ep 9. Man, I hope it gets better. BTW, I did watch all the OVAs before. They are ok. Sorry for the OT.
  23. amiami pre order for the limited edition was just opened momentarily. I was able to place an order before it was sold out again. Don't give up. Keep checking.
  24. Finally received mine from amiami today. Don't have time to play with it yet. The fighter mode looks awesome though!
  25. Welcome aboard! Interesting black and white pic. Can you post more pics (preferably higher res)?
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