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Everything posted by Armor

  1. Armor

    My collection

    If you spray your Q-Rau with some dull coat it looks 100 times better.
  2. I don't know if I'm going to get him or not. I'd much rather have a pod. I'd love to set up a action scene with a bunch of pods. Yeah!!
  3. Armor

    My collection

    Ebay man, they're all over it.
  4. Armor

    My collection

    Bent ends of rod. They never fall over. Even when I'm jamming.
  5. Armor

    My collection

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the comments. The stands are so ease to make. What you need: 2x3/4 wood stock 2 Wire clothes hanger Drill gun & 3/32 bit Hand saw & paint Wire cutters Just cut the stock to about 4 or 5 inches long. Drill two holes all the way through about a 1/4 inch away from the edge of the stock slitely off center. Cut the hanger at the ends of the longest part. Twist the hanger rods into the holes and paint the base. Thats it. If displaying in Valk bend the top of the rods evenly about 3 to 5 inches. Slide the bent ends up in between the legs and the arms. It should be a tight fit. In Battloid, open the wings and insert the rods inside the back all the way. Close the wings. Make sure the rods are on the out side of the wings. It will get real tight when you close the wings. Then it is lock in.
  6. Armor

    My collection

  7. Armor

    My collection

    Reverse please.
  8. Armor

    My collection

    TV style
  9. Armor

    My collection

    Some more
  10. Armor

    My collection

    Try this
  11. Armor

    My collection

    Sorry so big I've never done this before. Edit pic.
  12. Armor

    My collection

    Just got this camera so I hope it works. Edited pic.
  13. Bring on the green Q-Rau please.
  14. If your parents give you a hard road about your toys eliminate them. Thats what I did. Just kinding. We are all big boys. There is no such thing as wasting your money. People buy so much shuff, they got alot of room to talk. My wife likes my Valks. I just finished the 1\48s and now I'm going to the 1\60 Gundams. I showed my wife a picture of those Gundams and she was like....WOW! Their cool. So just take your licks and buy your toys. My brother use to beat the snot out of me because I was 15 and still played with toys. Now I'm 33 and still play with toys. I love being a toy Geek!
  15. Armor

    Got my 1\48 Millia

    All is well though. On that T-bar, you got the rubber part and after that is a little rectangular piece that slides right in to the leg. It looks like it's glude in. I'ts going to be alot easier now to detail that leg forsure.
  16. Armor

    Got my 1\48 Millia

    Yeah, I got her. Paint looks better seams are tighter seat in cockpit is strait. But I changed it to Battroid and the leg slid right out of that T-bar. Hey, I got this camera so I want to show you all whats up.
  17. That Super CF looks Bad!! And I'm not a big 1\60 fan.
  18. Why woudn't Yamato do a Regult? I think someone said before, not a big demand? Well here's one thing that would get me to buying! DON"T CHARGE SO MUCH MONEY!!! Do all that Macross have to be $100 plus?! How about $50 for a 1\60 Regult. Is that too much to ask. That's all I got to say bout dat.
  19. Thanks guys. I keep looking up that big $200 dog and I think it wants me to buy it. It looks so cool. I think it's the RX-78 GP01/FB. Thanks again.
  20. I'm looking to get one, but I would like to know do you need glue, are they hard to build? Can you handle them like a toy. how tall are they?
  21. I do know about you guys but I would like to play round with my Valks. I love looking at them on my stands, but I want a little more. I need a Regult. I have a Q-rua but it's not the same as that big pod. I guess I'm get a itch to play with my toys. Let me feel my Forehead... Yeah I think I'm OK. Does anyone Know were I com'in from. Or do I need help.
  22. I have to say, I was not a big fan of the low viz but they make a VF-1J I'm all over it.
  23. 1/48 7 1/60 Q-Rau 2
  24. I'm all about it. Cool. Bring'em on
  25. Armor

    Kids and your toys

    I sold all my kids to buy my 1/48 Valks.
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