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Everything posted by Armor

  1. Armor

    Dirty Valk

  2. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    I wanted it look old
  3. Where is it being held?
  4. Here is a pic of water slide
  5. I got some of thoughs water slides. I like them. I'll send some pics later.
  6. Hikaru. It's not that difficult. Nice coathanger stand, though. Thanks Dude.
  7. I'm still going to get that new Yamato stand that looks like a Lauch Arm. I'm going to display my Hicro or what ever his name is VF-1S up side down like the movie. I wheatherd the bell of the plane to make it look like it was in alot of battles I'll probably have to custom up the stand a little but it should be fun.
  8. Wood, coat hanger and a little pain drill two holes.
  9. another style
  10. I want to see some pics of them. Here are some pics of my stands
  11. I use acrylic in my Air brush and when I do a wash or panel lines on my Valks. Then dull coat it. Dull coat looks the best on the Q-Rua.
  12. I hear this thing is only going to be 5 to 6 inches tall. Is this true?
  13. I make mine. Let me know if you want to see some pics of them.
  14. Do you want to put paint on the toys?
  15. Cool pics, I love the VF-1A with the GBP. Yamy has got to make this.
  16. You got that right.
  17. Hey, I like that. Looks like a low ranking air craft. Like a common fighter I mean that in a good way.
  18. It's funny my wife likes my 1\48s much more than my MPC. And I showed pic of the new Alpha and she didn't like as much as my old Gaggen Alpha. She even told to display it. But a like that new Alpha.
  19. On the sticker for the the TV 1\48s there are two numbers 227 and 281 for the nose cone. WHO? WHAT? Could it be for a CF? Or a Ghost fighter?
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