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Everything posted by Armor

  1. Yeah , I colored the visor. That was the first thing I did when I bought him back in the 80s. I took apart the missle laucher to actually play with the missles. They never shot out. I use to play with that thing alot. I didn't have anything to scale so he fought all of my other toys. I think he would battle my ATAT alot. Oh yeah he would battle my Gakken Alpha all the time. Jeeze, I feel like having a battle now.
  2. Yeah dude, I had two of them first one. I broke the seat. I took it back to the toy store and got another one. That one broke two. But I didn't take it back because I realize I was causing it to brake.
  3. I can't change the armor to the bike. The whole back seat is broken off.
  4. Wow Wow. Was that ever shown before? The TV show that is.
  5. It's missing some parts but I was so excited to find it. Just wanted to share.
  6. Armor

    Just got my Q-Rau

    Read my post again. I said... that "she" the pilot. But thanks for keeping me square.
  7. Armor

    Just got my Q-Rau

    Not to start any thing. But the whole 1\60 scale of the Q-rau is just not right to me. I think it leans a little more on the 1/48. I know, I've seen all the stuff that says it's a 1/60 but I'm just not completely convinced. In some scene in DYRL the Q is just a little bigger than a Battloid. And the pilots inside don't have alot of room. When the one was shot down and she came out, It was a tight fit. Thats all.
  8. Hey Dude, Welcome to the Macross fix. Valks, Valks, Valks and more Valks. You'll be getting more.
  9. LOL. Whats more geecker a 33 year old man buying a $200 toy or him playing with it? VF-19 pilot that was funny.
  10. Armor

    Newbie Questions

    Yeah Dude, I've got seven. Pricey. But like I said..I've got seven.
  11. Put them on. Just support the back pack when attaching. Some times you have to push hard to get them on.
  12. Looks really good.I like panel line on everthing.
  13. Armor

    Dirty Valk

  14. Armor

    Dirty Valk

  15. Armor

    Dirty Valk

  16. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    more pics
  17. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    I'll put up some Battroid later.
  18. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    Gerwalk pics
  19. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    No. I painted over it.
  20. Armor

    easier way!

    Acrylics is a safe way to go. And a little Murphys Oil takes it off.
  21. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    My camera is not the best. I just can't get super clear pics. But I'll keep trying.
  22. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    So are those stickers actual stickers or are those anasazi's remakes? And are those stickers or water based decals? Looks good. I need to start opening up my toys and applying dem stickers! They're the stickers that come with it. I trimed the excess which is alittle hard to do, and I press them real hard. The next thing that helps is a dull coat spray over everthing except the the canopy. If you want to trim the sticker use a new blade on a X-acto knife. Be real careful and take your time. If you do this you really don't have to buy remakes. The stock stickers really do look good. Thank you so much for the coments too. I'll do some more pics tonight. I'll do a little cleaning first.
  23. Armor

    Dirty Valk

    LOL. Ah yes please excuse the work room.
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