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Everything posted by Armor

  1. Want to put together some kind of team looking thing.
  2. Doing the same color as the RX-178 Titans.
  3. Wow dude , a babie on thursday? We are going in on monday to have ours. All the best to you. Your still funny!
  4. Ok, I want to thank everyone again for your great comments. I think everyone remembers my posting of my 1\60 PG GPO1 Fb. Now that was my second model I have ever built. Yes I am a begginer. I picked up some wheathering skills from customizing my 1\48 Yameys. So I scorched that Gundam up but good. And "I" loved the way it turned out. An many of you too. Thanks. This one I wanted to keep it strait. Out of the box if you will. But I did repaint it with flat paint. But I stuck to the same colors. "I" wanted it that way. I like wheathered looking stuff so I chipped it up a little with the dry brushing. "I" wanted it to look exactly the way it is. I have so much fun wheathering toys and models. I also like posting everthing for you guys. I love seeing eveyone elses stuff too. Even if I have the same thing. I love toys and models. Grand Cannon, Dude your to much lol. Now I've spent about 10 hours on this one. Most of the time is taken up by fileing those little tips. Now for the pic, sorry I must have a cheap cam. I really like posting and replying here with everone. Last , I want everone to know that my life with my wife and two kids and one on it's way is very involved and the most important thing to me. Can you see where all my time really goes. I can take any kind of shot! Thanks again guys.
  5. "Good day in the morning!" I had know idea this was going to go in this direction. But, thanks for looking out for me guys. Let me lay some things out. My son is crying I'll be back.
  6. Almost done. Here are some more shots.
  7. Armor

    Meltran Assault

    Dude that looks cool.
  8. I'll be doing the external part after it's complete.
  9. Sorry I don't have much to show this time. I 've been working on this thing for hours and all I've got to show for it, is two feet and two halfs of the legs. I've been dry brushing and washing it as I go along. Thats why it's taking so long. Feet look cool though.
  10. I just can't get enough of these Perfect Grades. Just getting started today. Sorry I can't take a pic to save my life.
  11. I did another one. I got to say it's looks real cool. It's not hard to do.
  12. Saw a clip at Otakon on Friday. Bad, bad, bad, oh yeah... it's bad. This thing looks out of control. I don't know alot about Apple Seed but I'm gonna. Hold on to your hats on this one. It looks great.
  13. Well I think this is it for this one. I bought a RX-172 MK. I'll be starting on that in a week or two. Thanks for all your coments.
  14. Finished up the hanger bay. Added the other light, and painted.
  15. Man, I have to say I have never seen any Gundam shows. Please let know what to get.
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