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Everything posted by Armor

  1. I love you.
  2. pic
  3. pic
  4. pic
  5. Ok. I've got mixed feelings about this one. In robot mode he's ok. The hip point stinks. All he can do is stand strait up. The legs are to close together. And he looks like poidexter. When I started to change him the leg fell out of the hip joint. When it was in figter mode it was like holding a big wet sponge. It just saged. But I looked more closely at the ship and saw two support pieces that came out and BAMB. The Wave Ship looks real cool. The next set of pic after these will be well wheatherd.
  6. I can't wait to get this thing into fighter mode...or Wave Runner or Rider or what ever it's called.
  7. pic
  8. pic
  9. Working on the chest now.
  10. Finished the legs.
  11. As slick as I think he's going to look nice and clean. He's going to look well use. It's the battles man, I can't help if he's a fight machine. lol
  12. I took these to shot. Hard to do with ababby in your arms. Hey zeo all the dark parts of the wings are Titan color.
  13. I thought I would have the legs done but... Daddy duty was calling.
  14. Cool, glad to here you guys like all my postings. Indeed I will keep them coming. Thanks.
  15. The fingers are as is. I just repainted them
  16. pic
  17. When I started put the armor on I thought it was going to look stupid. But I think it looks real cool now. I hate that new look paint about it...I'll take care of that late.
  18. pic
  19. This will be the first PG that I didn't repaint the skelaton. I'll be doing all the wheathering on the panels later.
  20. Well... going to start another one. Should I take pics or are you all sick of seeing my prodjects now? I think this one going to be heavily wheatherd. I like the look of thruster build-up too.
  21. No I'm just a fool. lol
  22. I finished him up.
  23. That looks real cool.
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