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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Awesome project Pazu. Can't wait to see the final outcome.
  2. Heh.. yeah, i'm not really into the new one. I'd actually like to upgrade to an Evo, or STI. Four doors.... I'm gettin' old afterall...
  3. bhop

    Etching part

    You were there? Exciting.. I would've loved to have seen it. I'd like to just go to the museum, but the chances of me visiting the UK are pretty slim.. at least for a long while.
  4. bhop

    Etching part

    The chips are all painted with Vallejo acrylic by hand. here's a tutorial online: http://www.track-link.net/gallery/3014 Yeah, i'm pretty familiar with 131 at the Bovington museum. The kit came with the decals for it, but I didn't want to make that one since it's got a history that everyone knows and I could be more artistic with my weathering, (since I like to keep my "real" models as accurate as possible). 112 is from the same Battalion in Tunisia, but I couldn't find any info on it's history. I'm also waiting for the Dragon Late Tiger which should be out soon. If it's anything like the early that they released, it'll be awesome. If you're interested, here's a site that has a video of the #131 in action, from the Bovington Museum's Tank Day Festival, or whatever it's called.. heh. It loads kinda slow for me, but it's cool to watch if you're a Tiger nerd like I am. http://www.tigerwerk.com/
  5. bhop

    Etching part

    Yeah, it's been finished for awhile. I've even entered it in a local contest already, the Valley Con. It took first in the WWII armor category. Needless to say, that's a happy thing.. heh (sorry if i'm hijacking this thread) the rest of the pics can be seen here if anyone's interested (just click on the tiger thumb...the last one): http://www.bhop73.com/main/models_m.shtml
  6. bhop

    Etching part

    I guess your question has been answered, but if you'd like an idea of what Photo Etch parts look like on a model.. here's my Tiger tank before paint, which is covered in PE. It's the brass metal stuff.. http://www.bhop73.com/main/images/models/p....asp?pic=tiger3
  7. No different than the rest of the model. Just glue them together. If there are any gaps fill with putty and sand it smooth.
  8. where's the paint venting to? It's supposed to get sucked outside so you don't breathe it.. looks like a good cheap booth to keep it out of your face though.
  9. Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Do yourself a favor and go there. Get a #13 "Succelent breast and Waffle" and you're set.
  10. Thanks for the info.
  11. Is this something that's only going to be available for the people that ordered through this thread? This is an awesome looking model and I'd like to own one myself, but am currently in a bad financial situation so wouldn't have any "spending money" for a few months at the earliest.
  12. Yeah, Sculpey III actually came before Super Sculpey, so I guess "technically", Super Sculpey is number 4. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two other than colors. III comes in little blocks about the same size as the Fimo blocks. Here's an incredible, (seriously.. it rocks) Sculpey sculpting tutorial that explains a few things. http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthrea...87&page=1&pp=60
  13. What temp was your oven set at? It shouldn't be any higher than 200° F. Any higher and it will burn. FYI - Sculpey III comes in many colors, although it seems to work the same as Super Sculpey.
  14. I agree that the problem is your type of paint. The point of using oil based paints is so it doesn't interact with the acrylic base coat. If you're using a water based wash on a water based base-coat, you're going to have problems.
  15. So today was a big event at Mitsubishi's North American R&D headquarters in Souther Cali. (where they design the cars) It was called MOD'05, which stands for Mitsubishi Owner's Day Basically it was a "get together" for Mitsubishi enthusiasts, geared towards performance cars. It was huge. So many turbo equuipped 4G63 engines.. heh.. They had a raffle, and showed off a few of their concept cars, as well as the production version of the '05 Eclipse, which we all got to see before the media, which is kinda cool too. The president of Mitsubishi North America as well as the Japanese guy that's in charge of designing the next Evolution (he flew in from Japan) were both there to say a few words and seemed pleased with the turnout (this was the first time they've done this in the U.S.) Anyways, since I own a turbo Eclipse, I went and took loads of pics. Check 'em out. http://community.webshots.com/album/329297598hbMAmk
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