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Everything posted by leoganx

  1. Nippon-yasan sent me an email telling me the new release date: end of january
  2. And what about the Gallia4 Set is it for the renewal or only for the v1 vf-25g?
  3. I will buy one definitely. But what worries me is that if there will be by the time of release another big release like the reissue ozma from bandai. I do hope this not happen
  4. Well NY has just 17 in their inv right now at 24k yen
  5. Has anyone recieved a payment notice from NY yet?
  6. I really would like an ozma reissue and a koning monster preferably the sheryl one
  7. NY mailed me :"Package in transit" :D
  8. I got a preparation in progress notification
  9. It seems that much more pre orders have been cancelled in NY as their inventory has incresed from 18 yesterday to 30 today
  10. Could it be that on NY the price were lowered to 14,000 yens? Or it was like this before?
  11. Very good!! I'll try it right away as the one for the YF-29 with the superglue, for my, didn't worked out well
  12. So you were the one that bought the sv51 from anime export. I was scouting it waiting for the time my cc closes. Well better luck next time and congrats. It is a very good valk
  13. I have received my yf 29 from ny. Everything is well placed and no scratches or missing parts so far only the right leg is loose from the hip so I cannot properly stand on his feet in battroid. Any suggestions? Thanks
  14. It seems that there were problems with my 23450 yen round, because I recieved an email telling me that I had cancelled the preorder, so I had to buy it again now but with the new price . Such a bad luck, but fortunately now there were no problems
  15. Hey I really like the second valk. Where are them from?
  16. Hey astro I'm from argentina too! I'm going to order this valk at nippon yasan on friday. I hope it get here quickly. And I know what you talk about price, this valk here in Argentina cost all my salary! Well when I get mine I will post pics
  17. Me llamo Leonidas y soy de san miguel, buenos aires, argentina. Hablo español y tbm ingles. Me gusta macross desde los 6 años desde que pasaban robotech aca en argentina. Bueno saludos
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