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Everything posted by MikeRB

  1. One more thing for the people who liked this thread, here is a little 'making of' for the scout shot I did for a CG forum to show some of the seperate parts that go into making up a whole shot. http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_demo.mov
  2. Wow, I just watched the trailer on the 'Shadow Chronicles' website. Their CG was aweful. Everything from the animation to the effects reeked of too little time and no budget. I was jokingly going to post that if Harmony Gold wanted to fund me and a small team for a year or two I could put somthing together, but from the look of Shadow Chronicles I don't think they could afford me.
  3. Chances are this is dead. I really just don't have the time. I'm working at The Embassy Visual Effects full time and am currently in the middle of about 15 Ironman shots. Who knows though... Michael.
  4. http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_04.mov a bit more from the same clip no, Vue infinite for the background. Mike
  5. http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_04.mov Theres a bit more from the same clip. Mike
  6. beats me, I've never started modeling an alpha.
  7. this is what you were talking about: http://www.controlcage.com/files/desk_cc_05.mov Mike
  8. 4mb: http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_02.mov Mike
  9. A bit more from the same clip: http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_02.mov 4mb Mike
  10. http://www.elementvfx.com/zulufivetwo/temp/scout_01.mov
  11. nah, mines nowhere near done, it's ok in bike form. but thats it. Mike
  12. I have a quick request for anyone in this thread, if you could contact me regarding any availability or knowledge of mosepeda or invidi invasion models around in the community I'd love to hear about it. I'm looking for a horizont, cyclone/ride armor and alpha's betas. michael AT elementvfx.com Mike.
  13. The new RT sequal sounds pretty decent no? What have you guys heard? My fun little invid: Mike
  14. Just wondering if there are any hirez versions of ridearmor/cyclones or horizont troop dropships floating around the community. Mike
  15. hey guys. I'm hoping I can come back to this at some point in the near future. Does anyone happen to have a nice horizont model, and maybe a finished cyclone/ride armor model? Mike
  16. It's a TV show. And it's actually uncertain right now whether it will be renewed for another season. It's a good gig and I really hope it goes on for another season. Mike
  17. Hey Guys. I've been pretty busy working on "Andromeda". I don't really know when I'll have time to get back to this. Mike
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