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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Well, in an interview around the time of M-zero Kawamori confessed that instead of designing mecha he was designing toys where easy toymanufacturing was placed ahead of looks
  2. Fate will say which will happen first
  3. No,..... not a reincarnation of "The Three Amigos" b'sides, untill I see a sequel to "Army of Darkness" (one of the most major pwnage movies in my book) he's on my "Don't brake when caught in headlights" list
  4. I thought it was only muslims that are easily offended?
  5. Hell, I'm already gratefull we got a DYRL Kakizaki
  6. No anime accurate head = no money from me
  7. Seems like both will be sporting a clear (=grey) visor instead of green They're not limited, but you can forget a re-release when the productionrun is over
  8. Nightbat

    Graham's Sig

    What bugs me most is that they released the $$$$$ flighthelmets and canceled the Monster back then
  9. Ah, but this isn't the first German with violent outbursts, just think back a few decades
  10. Bad day? Now there's an understatement
  11. Browsing around I came across these http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10063636a2/20/2 they look ok, and don't seem to cost an arm or a leg but what's the one with the pink stripe and white strikepack?
  12. You mean the 1/60 version right Well, think again about the limited LV I'm thinking these will be normal production runs, but unlike any others I sincerely doubt we'll see a rerelease
  13. Nightbat

    Graham's Sig

    MW doesn't know the meaning of the word "Shame"
  14. If it wasn't for some smuggler, that Rebel princess would be having kids with her BROTHER No wonder Vader tried to get him the hell away from there
  15. Empire FTW! I mean: C'mon I look good in black and a cape
  16. odd, since JPS sponsored Lotus from 1976-1986
  17. Talk about a let down, it was even dissappointing looking at it for free
  18. Finally a 1/48 repaint again things were getting quiet in the old-skool dept. at Yamato (and for someone as me not interested in the 'later generations' the release is good news)
  19. Nightbat

    Lead Paint?

    Hell, at least lead paint will last forever instead of that POS acrylic trash they're using today
  20. Only comatose don't complain about being taken care of by machines If it's too dangerous for 'mecha' to get in, it's too dangerous for humans to come out the only problems medics face is getting 500lbs people out of their homes, and for that we have cranes and forklifts Cyborgs, not Mecha, the problem here is control, not mechanisation and even then they aren't as effective as humans with some tools on 'em You're taking the 'urban jungle' a little too literally
  21. The cold truth is, that -even though mecha have no use in real life society- one day we will build one "Just because we can" It'll be a project similar to the development of a slinky: useless, but fun to do
  22. Hmmm, here's hoping!
  23. Yeah wasn't it Kanata67 who talked about "Greebies"? parts taken off other kits to add minute details to models think about the Star Wars capital ships or lifesize like the movie aliens using back covers of TV's as walldecoration straws, springs, pcb boards I once had a G.I. Joe catalog that (succesfully) used alot of 'real world' bits and pieces in their dioramas
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