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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Gotta admit,... I haven't cringed this much since Robocop 3 and that was a FULL movie, not just a Trailer
  2. Let's see if I can get myself up to speed since the last Valk I bought was the 1/48 25th anniversary VF-1S, last Macross item the 1/3000 SDF-1 from that time, Yamato became Arcadia, Arcadia released no 1/48's, but re-engineered the 1/60's to have perfect transformation but since 2009 released no more 1st series Valks and basically ended the line and the only pace to find Valks today is NOS or used on Ebay ....am I correct in my assumptions?
  3. Yeah, you're right An earlier draft didn't have the cockpit But I found the abdomen a little empty Another thing is the wingmarkings As is they appear too much like seen on old US WW2 planes I should have done the same as I did with the legs And the rondel and number on the upper arms (Especially since half would be covered by the cuffs of racinggloves there) Lastly I first put the red triangles on the buttend Then I realized it was referring to my 'exit' as 'intake' "Beware of Blast" would be more fitting 😁
  4. Ey MW Been a while, thought I might make my re-entry with something (subjectively) worthwhile Got a trackday coming up this summer, but my old leather suit is not up for it anymore (old/uncomfortable) So I figured I might as well splurge and get something tailor made Which also gives me the freedom in colors and design but no clear ideas of what I wanted,...except one thing So I got creative with a template of a suit I found online The whole idea got started with that I definitely wanted the Jolly Roger on the 'speedhump' Though this exact design wont become reality for starters,..white is one color you don't want to constantly clean the dead flies off and mostly, since, my current bike being cherry red/black (and this definitely doesn't match) My next bike could be god knows what color I want a neutral color scheme (Low-Vis anyone? ) Anyways, thought you guys might consider my PS skills and result entertaining, so here it is:
  5. This looks rather unsatisfactory Guess they're gonna charge about $200 for this bugger
  6. And I don't think you've seen "Men of War" or understand I'm talking not from ingenious people's PoV
  7. Not too soon in my book the trailers alone make me wanna pass that movie Treehugging hippie crap coupled to "men of War"
  8. Looking at my "toys".... my bike only recieved it's needed maintainance, no fancy hop-up parts or whatever, too bad a week ago my alternator suffered a meltdown during rushhour or it would have been a lot cheaper this year Anime related, just a few mangas and a saber lily figure Guitars, here I did spend some cash, bridge parts, vacuum tubes, strings, and a new preamp
  9. Hmm since I trashed my vf-1D a while back, I can now re-buy it for 1/60 v1.0 price
  10. From a fan's PoV: Knowing it's possible but not feasable is one thing Knowing it's possible, feasable, but unobtainable sucks balls Like the 1/60 monster, they should've kept it vapourware
  11. Hmmm, releasing a limited run of kits to get the R&D costs out of it that isn't even such a way-off idea
  12. Bloody great idea!!! I for one would love to see the actresses of Charlie's Angels get Gonorrhea before a new one gets made ..no, really
  13. No We're not talking about what we want more it took me a year to save up 2500 for a guitar in a time I still lived at home Nowadays i may make more money, but getting 2500 together in a year is nigh impossible
  14. If this thing doesn't turn out vaporware it's mine! but at 2000 bucks it stays bloody vaporware Moshi, moshi, Yamato? Hai, person of probable sane mind here Hai, 1/2000 Macross SDF1 Hai. TOO BLOODY MUCH!!! Nani? Economic crisis! That's why ....It's Plastic! Not friggin platinum! Hai, Elementary Calculus Watson-san, Customers not enough money + your product too expensive = Not enough sales Nani? Hai, sucks to be me Sayonara
  15. I see you used a different head, the anime correct head isn't that correct unfortunatly and I tossed the 'Anatomicly correct' head straight into the garbage can I just recieved Lily today, she beats the EB I have as well hands down, her pose outposes the EB's posability only problem I have atm is that excaliber won't fit in her hand Your EB Alter Saber has nicer armor than my Griffon one, but I prefer the face of the Griffon version Edited previous post since I forgot my Suiginto figure
  16. Well, don't have pics since I'm still waiting for a move so I can finally start on a "Collection room" (a.k.a Mancave) but apart from my Macross items I have in my collection: Bleach - Yoruichi Bome - Akira Chu x Chu Idol - Chua Churam Claymore - Clare Code Geass - C.C. Comic party - Takase Mizuki Dead or Alive - Kasumi Fate Stay/Night - Saber , Saber ,... Saber (on it's way now arrived today) ...I'll probably be collecting the Red Saber (Mordred? Jeanne d'Arc?) if they're able to make a nice figure of it as well, but so far any artwork seems a little anorexic Generation of Chaos - Clain Clain He is my Master - Izumi Sawatari Ikki tousen - Ryomou Shimei and Kanu Uncho Kaibutsu Oujo - Hime (and Flandre) and Reiri (and a bit of Riza) Mai Hime/Otome - Natsuki, Mai and Shizuru Mahoromatic - Mahoro and Minawa Melty Blood - Sion Rosario + Vampire - Moka Rozen Maiden - Suigintou Tsukihime - Trading Figs Tsukuyomi - Trading Figs (whew, that took a while to compile)
  17. Last time I cried because of a movie was E.T. when it was released on video for the first time feeling 'emotional' has happened though, Transformers the movie, end of Chrno Crusade, and daring to admit it, Bruce Willis final scene in Armageddon
  18. I may be wrong in understanding your post, but looking at the bow of that big thing, those destroids are not in the same scale
  19. Not big enough! (the toy, not the picture)
  20. I'm thinking that whatever the hell your friend was smoking at that time, I want it too!
  21. Either this thing stays vapourware like the 1/60 Monster, or it's mine!
  22. I always have that idea of Iggy Pop
  23. It'll be the only "new" 1/60 I'd buy since I shattered my old VF1D's canopy with the 1/48's I don't have much enthusiasm for getting 'perfect' 1/60's anymore Destroids or unreleased paintschemes, maybe, I'd rather collect 2-seater 1/48's though
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